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Chapter 36: Father

~Adam's POV~

Me and Ty just enjoyed each other's embrace and didn't care if anyone else was watching.

"I'm sorry for bringing you into this Adam." I could feel a few tears soak my shirt but it didn't really matter right now, I only cared about Ty and everyone was pissing me the fuck off because they were just staring at Ty and I know he didn't like people to see him cry.

I let out a loud growl so everyone would hear me. They all met my eyes and instantly turned away, some looking down and others still look at me and Ty. I glared at the ones still looking and the only ones who were still looking after that really had the guts.

"Stop with the staring! Can't you see he's uncomfortable!" I growled and the small few who were looking turned away.

"Adam," I turn my attention back towards him and soften my expression "I want to go back home." He whined and everyone who heard him gasp because the oh so power leader whined to his mate.

I growled again but Ty laid a hand on my cheek and pressed a soft kiss right under jaw. I calmed down instantly and brought my hand up to move his bangs out of the way and gently kissed his forehead.

He gave a innocent smile that just made me want to fuck the innocent out of him but that's for another time.

Me and Ty both looked back at the wolves below us that were back to staring at us but Ty was no longer crying.

"How do we know you aren't going to hurt Ty or our pack?" A wolf spoke up.

"I can't prove it in any other way than expressing my feelings and saying how much I love Ty and everything about him." I told the wolves.

No one spoke up so I took and deep breath and got ready to express my feelings towards that man I love right in front of his pack and family.

"I love Ty's smile and the giggles that come out of him when I tickle him. He's adorable in every way, no matter what he does I always find myself falling deeper in love with him. When we first meet, I just knew he was different then all the other wolves in my pack. I remember when I saw him I jumped on him and asked him why he was so close to my pack. It seems so long ago but really, j was about 3 months ago. Can you believe so much has happened. My parents didn't know I was gay so they tried mating me with females, then this fucker over here," I turned and pointed at Mitch with a smirk "burst into my den and told my parents I was mated with a wolf from this pack. There were pissed and they still haven't gotten over it but fuck them. I want to be with Ty and they couldn't stop me. I love when Ty makes bad jokes and I love teasing him and he looks absolutely adorable in my clothes. I just want to hold this boy and never let him go. And if anyone even tries to get with him, you'll have to answer to me," I raised a fist to prove my point "this boy is mine and if anything hurts him, I won't be happy and you will not get away with it. I love Ty more than you could ever imagine. He brings out the best in me and I hope I do the same. Ty makes me want to get out of bed in the morning because he gives me something to look forward to. And even after all this, we still fight. We fight and separate but we love each other too much to be away from one another forever. I want to spend forever with Ty in my arms, I want to wake up and know he's mine, no matter how much we may fight, there is no denying my love for Ty. He makes me happy when I'm sad, calm when I'm mad and he makes me laugh at the most random times. Ty is my forever home and I love everything about him... Except one thing."

Ty looks up at me sadly "what don't you like about me." He was already crying from my rant about him but now it looks like he's sad about what I don't like about him.

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