Chapter 1

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"Oh really?" I asked with a smirk. My pathetic excuse for a mother clentched her fists, only causing me to tighten her restraints and put a needle in her other arm. Yes, I'm draining her of her blood so she can't run away, and so she'll answer me the first time I ask her a question.

I've already gotten most of the information I wanted out of her, we are not "demons" we are Angels of Darkness, Angels of The Dark, Fallen Angels, all of the terms are correct. Not in a good way though. We don't have wings anymore, centuries ago we did. There are not many Angels of Light left, we killed them all off in a war, also centuries ago. I'm the strongest known of us right now, there is likely another as strong as me out there, and he or she put a target on her back, and not just because I want to kill them, simply for existing. No, my mother was high up in the ranks, and every one of us caught in hiding, not in our "system" gets executed on the spot. She's second in command actually. The man first in command does not leave his residence often, he would have her deliver messages and speeches for him to the rest of the Angels. The Angels of darkness, clearly. However, from my new knowledge, he will only be slightly harder to kill than my mother. Oh, right, I'm going to kill her in just a minute. But don't let me get too far ahead of myself.

I challenged and fought her, she was weak, I am strong. She was like a child, trying desperately to fight for their life, fighting against a bear. After laughing at her every, pathetic move, although she did land a solid hit or two on me, I strapped her to a chair, and stuck a needle in her arm, slowly draining her of her blood. This made it just too easy to get what I wanted, information.

I leaned forward in front of her face and chuckled a bit. "You've been fun mother, but unfortunately I have a short attention span." I threw my hand into her ribcage, paying close attention to shattering every bone on the way to her cold heart. I ripped the beating organ from her body and wrung it out in front of her, letting her own blood drip down and pool on her lap. Her eyes now widened, chocking on her own blood, her brain making it's final effort to figure out how to function, she gave up. She lost her last ounce of strength. My mother was finally dead. I got what I wanted, and it was far too easy. She was a shitty parent, but she did make me into something awful, and I love it. I'll give her that much.

Now I'm on my way to finding our "king"

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