Chapter 2

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"M-Monster!" The woman cried out in her last attemt to guard her four year old daughter, who was unconscious. The mother protectively shielded the young girl with her own flesh, knowing she hadn't long left before she would collapse in the pool of her own blood spreading across the cold bare floor beneath her. There was glass and wood fragments carpeting the areas of flooring nearest to the walls. That was only a result of me launching everything she used to hide into the wall. The mortal woman had quickly realized the power of my mind, and figured out I need not touch anything to move it. "Pathetic." I spat at her. "Expected of a weak..." I kicked her away from the young girl, "...human". "Don't you fucking touch her, you bitch!" The woman responded, with hate in her fighting breaths. She reached slowly for a wood fragment, looking like a stake. Without moving more than my right arm in one swift, small movement, I threw her into a wall, breaking several ribs and puncturing her lung. On impact she violently coughed up dark red blood. "Honey, stakes are for vampires. They die easier." I replied coldly, followed by a chuckle.

She was dying, I had not long left to devour her soul. So I did exactly that, ripped her still beating heart from her chest and ate it. Which I have come to learn isn't why I passed out in my fledgling days. I had just used more power than I could handle, but that doesn't happen anymore. Every time I go out to terrorize something, I grow stronger. Practice really does make perfect. Her soul was amongst the finer ones I've tasted. She did have that gleam of a warrior in her eyes, but she was weak, she had to die. Besides, I was hungry. But there was something about her, a fighter, a lost cause for one such as her, but I saw it in that daughter of hers. I never caught her name. Though it didn't matter, I will call her as I see fit. I will sire an angel of dark to call my apprentice. The only problem is, I eliminate targets. I'm not used to stopping before they die.

The way my mother sired me, that was different as I already had the blood of a dark angel. Nobody told me how to sire my own bloodline. The only ones that may have had the information, I killed. But there is this instinct I have, it tells me that she needs my blood. Without the blood of an angel of darkness, she wouldn't survive me harvesting her soul. Part of me thought I should just slit my wrist open and feed her the blood until the wound closes itself. Part of me is skeptical that would be enough. I'll do a blood transfusion once I get her to the mansion. Though my idea of feeding her my blood may prove to be an excellent method, I can't risk it. If she dies, I don't know how long until I come across another human worthy of being my apprentice. A blood transfusion seems to be the safest route, especially for experimental purposes. If she dies during the blood transfusion, then so be it. It would still be an attemt. If I just fed her my blood and harvested her soul right now, and she died, I wouldn't learn anything. Drinking my blood may just be pointless. But, having my blood flowing through her veins, into her heart, that may just be enough to turn a mortal into one of us. Either way, I have a snack for later.

I grabbed the girl and headed home. It would be easier to start the process while she was asleep, as well as starting sedation. Children are very impatient, especially with needles around. I'll have to change that too. She will not be as weak or typical as other children. As my apprentice, she will grow strong.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2017 ⏰

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