i. where dreams are made

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Walking through the dim hallway, I made a turn for the tunnel. Each of us had a huge portrait at the side of the wall heading towards the arena. I could picture the last time running across this hall; the crowd roaring, the cameras showing, the team and I felt pumped -- it was the Finals game that we won the Championship.

Then after that, I could remember the whole crowd cheering their hearts out as we celebrated. And when I was honored the Most Valuable Player of the year, I had nothing but gratefulness. I knew for sure I wouldn't be able to reach that far without His guidance. So I guess it was only fair when the team and I, along with Coach Kerr and the rest of the staff, celebrated victory at the locker room afterwards—splashing champagne as I held on to our precious trophy. Adrenaline rush never leaving me.

And man, I could trade anything just to feel that all over again.

I'm not even lying when I say that the smell of champagne was still there in our locker room.

As I reached the tunnel, I came across Curtis who was just about to close the arena.

"Sir, I'm afraid the arena is closed," he said, seemingly having a hard time seeing me properly.

I couldn't blame him. The lights were too dim and I had my hoodie on, so I slid them back and walked further.

"Stephen?" I saw how his mouth formed that wide grin. "It's a bit late. What are you doing here? You have to be resting now."

It was almost midnight when I drove from my house all the way here to Oracle Arena. The team just had a few drills earlier at the Warriors gym and even as I got home after an exhausting session, I was already settled in my bed and then I realized I couldn't sleep.

And quite frankly, I wouldn't be able to. Tomorrow officially starts the new season and the first game for the dubs. Am I prepared? To hell I am. But it was undeniable that I'm nervous.

"Just thought I should get a feel of the court, you know?" I told him. "And you sure can't forget, this is the same time, same place, and same instance that became the birth of my tunnel shots."

Curtis laughed, remembering the same night we had the same conversation. Only that time, he challenged me saying "I could bet you can't make that shot from here." And ever since then, I always shoot from the tunnel. At some, but not rare instances, I make my shots well. And Curtis Jones was nothing but proud. It was heartwarming.

"I guess I can't challenge you no more. You are unpredictable and only getting better. You are becoming a legend, Stephen. I have faith that this season will be yours again," he told me sincerely, walking up to pat me on the back. One of the many reasons why he was my favorite security guards here in Oracle.

"No promises but I'll do my best." I grinned. "Mind if I take a few shots? I wouldn't stay long."

"The court is all yours," he said, saluting me before he exited from the tunnel. I was going to let tomorrow sink in and probably make a few shots while I'm here.

I walked towards the court, a hand on my pocket, as I made a 360 turn at the arena. If tonight, the place had empty seats, tomorrow you'll see nothing but a sea of gold and blue. Maybe a couple of Curry jerseys here and there. And I still feel overwhelmed whenever I see people wearing my jersey proudly.

I mean, who would've thought that such a team would take interest in me? After all, they all think I'm too short, too scrawny, and too frail to make it in the league. Much less to perform half as good as everyone in the roster. I was only Stephen Curry, that paper-ankled point guard from Davidson. Only a few, if no one at all, saw my potential. And truth be told, some people only recognize me because my father is Dell Curry who used to play for the Charlotte Bobcats (now called the Hornets).

But let's put that aside and focus on the present. The Golden State Warriors have given me the opportunity to work for my dream, build legacy, and give pride for our state. Surely, that's one of my inspirations for all the hard work and preparation that the team and I gave into this league.

After all, this is the NBA, where dreams are made.

And I'm just about to continue mine.

Lololol steph being sentimental and shit but ya know for the sake of introducing his character 😩

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