ii. the city

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It was just in time when I received a call because I just finished organizing every bit of my things at my new apartment. Moving in is such a hassle, but in a city like this I guess it's not so bad.

"Miss Chase, are you sure you don't want to be on the broadcast of tomorrow's game? It would be great to have your first experience at the hype of the first game," the deep, man's voice echoed through the phone. That man on the other end of line was the general manager of the GSW.

"I mean, I could but I want to get a feel of the game and the crowd first before I dive in into being a part of this nation," I said, before clearing my throat. "Maybe then, I'll get to adjust easily and start my shift."

Having offered my very new job, during this season of the NBA, I'll get to be the new sideline reporter for the Golden State Warriors and the CSN Bay Area, replacing Ros Gold-Onwude who recently resigned for "personal reasons".

"I understand where you're coming from, Miss Chase, but your debut as the new Warriors' courtside reporter should be at their first game. I'm sorry, but did we make a mistake at choosing our new reporter?"

Oh, no. "No, Mr. Tyson. Absolutely not." Jesus, I shouldn't have acted such a brat. I hope I didn't make him mad. "I'm sorry for considering not to appear tomorrow. I'm changing my word. I will be at tomorrow's game."

"Good news, then. I hope you come prepared," he said, as if already knowing that our conversation would end up like this.

"I won't let you down, Sir," I told him sincerely. After he told me good luck, I thanked him and hung up.

They only recently hired me and I haven't even met the team, much less watch them play live so I really had no idea how stuff like this works. I only have little knowledge about the current roster of the team, too, so I feel kind of nervous to interact with them.

But even though this job feels foreign to me, reporting or being in the media is what I have always wanted to be. It was the career I planned to take as soon as I graduated in UCLA. Being in LA opened a lot of opportunities for me such as this job I have now. The GS staff took interest in me after I interned at a couple of Bruins games.

And since I've been offered a job at a new place, I moved in to Oakland so I could be closer to the team I was going to work for. And I absolutely love it here. Guess you could say why I'm currently taking my MA in Media Studies at UC Berkeley. My most recent job was working for E! News, and then I would take part at this YouTube webisode called Hollywire TV.

But I quit all of those. The job may be as good as they may sound, but I had to admit that I wanted to have a bigger salary. Not for the luxury of it, but to be practical, I need to be financially stable especially now that I am living alone and financing my MA degree. I needed a consistent, high-paying job. So I guess it's obvious that the CSN along with the GSW management offered me a fair contract that can give me what exactly I was looking for. Now I'm going to be the main reporter for Warriors TV and I will be at their every home game.


I sat in my bed thinking about all the work I had to do in the next few days. I kept my lampshade open as I studied up the portfolios that the GSW management gave to me.

Listed inside the portfolio was the current roster of the Golden State Warriors. Of course, on the first page there was Coach Kerr. I read a bit of his career as a player before retiring and coaching for the Warriors. On to the next page, the name Klay Thompson popped up. Quite a tall guy, as stated in the paper, and the second highest-scoring player in the team. I scanned the portfolios carefully -- I came across Draymond Green, Andrew Bogut, Andre Iguodala, and more of them. I studied everything I had to know so I wouldn't feel embarrassed when I start working with them.

Doing stuff like this—portfolio reading and shit—reminded me of my days in UCLA when I covered the Bruins games. My ex-boyfriend played for them and I still remember how I was head-over-heels for him at the time. I watched his every single game (I mean, I'm obligated to because it's my work) and I was that proud girlfriend cheering for his name.

But some things just aren't meant to be, I guess. We broke up and I didn't hear from him after that. They say he left town, but that was none of my business anymore. I haven't heard news about him being one of the draft prospects last year, so I guess he plays for one of the teams now. I'm just thankful it isn't the Warriors.

It's been a long day and I felt really tired. Yawning, I turned to the last page and read the last player I'll have to study.

He's cute.

"Stephen Curry," I muttered as I read the name written in his portfolio. His name is literally everywhere in here. I have heard of him many times because he's the "talk" of the town but it's actually the first time I get to see his face and study it. The 2x2 picture on his portfolio might have been lying to me but the guy is an absolute charmer.

Apparently, he's the team's starting point guard. Averaging 30 points per game, 44.2% on the three-point line, excellent passer and ball handler, high basketball IQ, won the 2015 Footlocker Three-Point Contest, 3-time All-Star, was named 2015 NBA League MVP, and now the frontier for the Under Armour brand...

"MVP, huh," I said, laughing quietly. That was ridiculous because there might be more players who were better than him. But still, I was amazed by what I've read about him so far. Least to say, I'm quite excited to see what he does.

I closed the portfolio after reading everything and shut off the lights. Tomorrow's going to be big and I had to make sure I had the perfect rest.

yo!!! i told y'all it gets really fucking boring at the start but hang on with me now, they will finally meet in the next chapter i'm excited

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