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"Jim was bit!" I say.
They ignore me and continue on with there conversation. 
"If your lost at sea I say swim towards the closest shore, not further out to sea." Rick says.
"Rick, Fort Benning, it's our best option." Shane says.
"The CDC is Jim's only chance." Rick says.
"If the CDC can save Jim then I say let's go for it." I say.
"Hey, no one was talking to you kid, now get lost." Shane says.
"I will stand and speak where and when I please." I say.
"Are you sassing me kid?" Shane asks.
"Like Gerard Way, now I have better things to do then listen to your sorry ass complain all day. The CDC will have supply's we need and it's Jim's best chance. Like Rick said, the CDC is the closest shore, so I say let's grab the ores and start paddling." I say.
Shane scoffs and walks away, Rick follows and they come back moments later.

"We leave to the CDC first thing in the morning." Shane says.
"Seems odd hearing the from you. You know because you were all about Fort Benning just moments ago. What changed your mind Shane? Was is Lori, did she change your mind, because I know you two spent a lot of time together in the past few months." I say.
"Alright, get over here you little." Shane says.
"Little what? Finish that sentence, come on." I say.
Shane take a few steps closer.
"Lay a finger on me, I dare you. Come on prick, I'm right here. Or is little Shane scared, huh? Is little baby Shane scared of my daddy. Is he scared because he knows that if he lays a finger on me his ass will permanently be a part of this ground we are standing on?" I ask.
"I'm not scared of that redneck trash you call your dad." Shane says.
"What did you just say?" I ask, putting my hand on my holstered pistol.
"I'm not afraid of redneck trash like your father" Shane says.
I pull out my gun out and knock Shane in the head with the butt of it as hard as I can. That knocks him off guard and I kick him in the chest. He falls back, hitting his head on the RV as he goes down. While walking back to my tent I kick the unconscious prick in the side as I walk by.
"Alex!" Lori says defensively.  
"Oh, sorry about that, wait, no I'm not." I say.
I walk back to my tent and grab my book. Well it's not really a book, more of a comic but I love it. It's called "The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys" by Gerard Way. 


This has been a long day, I'm glad it's finally over. Everything will be better tomorrow, I hope. I close my eyes and let the darkness consume me.


I am awoken by Carl.
"Wake up Alex, we are waiting on you so we can leave." he says.
"oh shit, sorry, be ready in a few." I say.
He nods and walks out. I deflate the couch/bed and get dressed. I get all the stuff on the inside of my tent packed up and bring it out to the truck. Daddy packs up the tent while I make a bed in the back of the truck. I lay down and I'm out before I'm out before we even leave.


Daddy wakes me up when we arrive at the CDC. I grab my bow and get out of the truck. It reeks, there are so many dead body's everywhere. Man The Black Parade(it's a My Chemical Romance reference) made a stop here. We arrive at the building and there are shudders down over the doors. Rick and Shane try to open them but they won't budge. Shane bangs on it but still nothing.
"There's nobody here." T-Dog says.
"Then why are these shudders down?" Rick asks.
"Walkers" I call out.
I nock my bow and shoot the walker.
"Let's go" dad says.
"Hang on" Rick says.
"He made a call." Shane says.
"It was the wrong damn call." dad says.
"Shut up, shut up, you hear me, shut up. Rick you here me, this is a dead end." Shane says.
"Where are we going to go?" Carol asks.
"Do you hear me, no blame." Shane says.
"She's right we can't be here this close to the city after dark." Lori says.
"Fort Benning Rick, still an option." Shane says.
"On what? No food, no fuel, that's 100 miles." I say.
"125 I checked the map." Glenn says.
"Forget Fort Benning, we need answers tonight, now." Lori says.
"Shh shh, we'll think of something." Rick says.
A lot of people start saying things like "let's go" and "to the cars".
"The camera, it moved." Rick says.
"You imagined it" Dale says.
"If it did man, it did it on it's own. It's an automated device man, let's go." Shane says.
Rick bangs on the shudders.
"I know your in there, I know you can hear me." Rick says.
Lori tries to pull him away.
"Please we're desperate, we have woman and children. No food, hardly any gas left." Rick says.
Shane starts to drag him away.
suddenly we are faced with a blindingly bright light. We all flood into the building. 
"Hello" Rick says.
We hear a gun being cocked and we all do the same with ours.
"Anybody infected?" a man asks.
"One of our group was, he didn't make it." Rick says.
What he just says hit's me hard like a bullet.
"J-Jim d-died? Why didn't anyone tell me?" I ask.
"You were asleep and we didn't want to wake you." dad says.
"You didn't want to wake me? You didn't wank to wake me to tell me that Jim died?" I ask.
"We will talk about it later." dad says.

"Why are you here and what do you want?" the man asks, interrupting my conversation.
"A chance." Rick says.
"That's asking for an awful lot these days." the man says.
"I know" Rick says.
"You all submit to a blood test, that's the price of admission." the man says.
"We can do that." Rick says.
"You got stuff to bring in, you do it now. Once this door closes it stays closed." the man says.
The men run out to get our stuff. What that man said make me think. "Once it closes it stays closed." If we need to leave, we can't. What if this is a trap? No one else is bothered by this?
Daddy comes running in. I look at him and he has a concerned look on his face. Good, someone is worried.


The man who's name is Dr. Edwin Jenner, showed us to our rooms and I am sharing with Carl and Sophia. We had dinner and I loved it. Mostly because I was starving but still. I am headed to our bathroom to get a shower. Carl and Sophia got theirs earlier. I had some wine a dinner, I liked it. Carl on the other hand did not. Daddy had let me have a few glasses so I'm just a little dizzy. I undress and as I am about to get in the shower I notice a bite mark on my lower leg. Suddenly my vision goes blurry. I fall to the ground, hitting my head on the sink as I fall. 

I hear the door to our room open so I wrap the towel I brought in here around me.
"I here, help." I say.
Carl, Sophia and Carol come into the bathroom. Tears fall from Carl's eyes when he see's the bite mark. Same with Carol and Sophia.
"Carl go get Daryl and Rick please. Let's get you dressed." Carol says.
Carl runs out of the room and Carol helps me up. I get dressed into my pajamas and Rick and daddy come rushing in.
They see the bite mark as well.
"Oh my god." Rick says.
For the first time I see tears swelling up in dads eyes.
"HELP! HELP!" he yells.
More of the group and Jenner come into the room. Jenner see's the mark and is shocked.
"Come with me" he says.
I get up and start to walk. but Carl insists on carrying me, so I let him. Jenner takes us to his computer room thing and draws some blood from the bite and starts testing it.
"How didn't you see this in the tests?" I ask.
"This isn't possible" he says.
"What?" I ask.
"How can it be?" Jenner asks.
"Answer me." I say.
"Alex, your immune." Jenner says.
The word immune keeps playing back in my head and it's the last thing I remember before everything goes black.

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