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We get on the truck. The ginger told us that the guy woth the mullet knows how to cure this thing and if we get him to D.C. he can do that. Shane, Tara an unconscious Glenn and I are in the bed of the truck. The truck slows to a stop. There are three walkers.  Tara stands a cocks the rifle.
"Do not fire that weapon!" The ginger says.
"I got this." I say.
"Oh, your not getting all the fun." The ginger says.
I hop out and grab the rifle, toss it to the ginger and draw my sword.
I slice ones head off and stab the other with my knife.
"Oh honey look at you. Your a damn mess." The ginger says to the last walker.
He slams the butt of the gun onto her head multiple times.
"What? What?" The ginger asks.
"I've never seen that before." I say.
"I've seen you do the same thing." The ginger says.
"You smiled, you were smiling." I say.
"Well I'm the luckiest guy in the world." He says.
"Oh yeah, hows that ginger?" I ask.
"The names Abraham. The ither giy is Eugene and the pretty lady is Rosita." Abraham says.
"I'm Alex, the other lady is Tara, thats Shane and the unconscious one is Glenn." I say.
"How about you help me with one of these cars, we got miles to go." Abraham says.
I nod and help him. We move the cars out of the way and get back on the road.
Averys pov

Alexis, Cara and I are with Tyreese, Lizzy, Mika and Judith. I'm glad we all made it. I just wonder where Alex is.
Alex's pov

Glenn just woke up. He is starting to panic.
"Hey don't move." Tara says.
"Where are we?" Glenn asks.
"I don't know. You were taking down a pack of biters when you passed out. The back of a truck seemed safer than the side of the road." She says.
"Did we pass the bus? On-on the road did we pass the bus" Glenn asks.
"Yeah" I say.
"What did you see? What did you see?" Glenn asks.
"They were all dead." I say.
"How long since we passed it?" Glenn asks.
"3 hours" Shane says.
Glenn bangs on the window separateing us from them.
"Hey, stop the truck." He says.
Abraham just flipps him off. Glenn bangs again. Tara bangs on the truck it's self.
"Stop the truck." I say.
"Stop the truck!" Glenn says again.
He hits the window with the butt of the gun 2 times.
"Stop the truck!" Glenn says again louder this time.
He huts the window with the butt of the gun again this time spiderwed cracking it. This time the truck stops.
Glenn grabs hos stiff and We do the same. He open the hatch and we get out. Abraham gets out of the front the other two following.
"Where the hell are you going? Where the hells he going? Hey I don't know what your friends have told you about the mission. But it's very time sensitive and we are already behind schedule so I need you to turn your ass around and get back in the truck." Abraham says.
"I gotta go." Glenn says.
"You know it seems like none of you has been paying close enough attention Who the hell on earth we been living in. Let me tell you how to avoid just been another dead alive prick. Find some strong like-minded comrades and stay stuck together like wet on water. We need people, the more the better. Other son, even with all that gear on your shoulder you all last night, not by yourself." Abraham says.
"I'll take my chances." Glenn says.
"I'm gonna have to insist that you hold the hell up. You're not the fate of the entire damn human race might depend on it." Abrahan says.
Glenn pushes his arm away.
"What the hell are you talking about? Who is this guy?"Glenn asks.
"I'm sergeant Abraham Ford, my companions Rosie Espinoza and doctor Eugene Porter. And we're on a mission to get Eugene to Washington DC. Eugene's a scientist and he knows exactly what caused this mess." Abraham says.
"Alright, so what happened?" Glenn asks.
"It's classified" Eugene says.
"We've been talking to the mucky muck's in Washington on a satellite phone. Past couple weeks, nobody's been picking up on the other end. We saw how you handle those corpses back there, we could use your help."
Abraham says.
"Sorry" Glenn says and starts walking away.
The rest of us following.
"I had to get us off that road, you were passed out, we were out of bullets. I know the way back to the bus. I wrote down every turn, I will get you guys back." Tara says.
"It's where she'd go to find me, it's where I'm going to go." Glenn  says.
"You're wasting your time. Tara told us what went down and there is no chance you'll find your wife again. Nor alive or dead. Man cause sorry to tell you, she's gone. Need for you to die too. Now come on get back in the truck do something with your life." Abraham says.
Glenn drop his bag off his shoulder.
"when the people we – we love kick... Well then they disappear. Doesn't mean you got to go out that way to." Abraham says.
This causes Glenn to turn around and sock Abraham in the face.
"She's  alive and I'm going to find her." Glenn says.
He picks up his bag and start walking again.
Abraham gets up "you son of a bitch"  says before tackling Glenn to the ground.
Roseta, Tara and I go running over there.
I elbow Abraham in the back of the head, hard. Tara tries to pull him off of Glenn, but Abraham holds strong.
"You do not want to do this, get off of Abraham!" Rosita says.
Abraham begins to choke Glenn. Continue to try and break it up. Rosita and I managed to get Abraham off of Glenn, but only for a split second. Abraham breaks free and tackles Glenn again. We try and break it up again. Then we hear gunshots coming from the truck will turn our heads in the direction and Abraham finally gets off of Glenn. We see Eugene with a gun firing at Walker's, well attempting to fire but missing terribly. We all run over there.
"Eugene, stop firing dammit, stop it!" Abraham says.
You get over there everybody starts firing their weapons and I take out my sword. I walk up and slice the heads off of a few walkers. While the others shoot them.
After all the walkers are dead I hear what sounds like rain but it's completely sunny. Turn to the truck and see gasoline coming out from the gas tank. Nice one Eugene you killed the truck.
"Son of a dick." Abraham says.
Ricks pov

Carl, Michonne and are staying at a house. They left a few hours ago to go scavenge. While they were gone these men came and I was unarmed so I hid under the bed. Coast looks clear so I slide out from under the bed. I get up and he has someone coming, so I quietly run to the nearest room and hide. The man comes into the same room and throw the tennis ball at the wall and catching it as it bounces back. But he does not see me.
He leaves the room and I try to open up the windows but they won't budge. The two men that are upstairs go downstairs so I leave the small bedroom. As I am attempting to escape one of them comes up so I run into the bathroom and shut the door quickly but quietly. When I get in there there is a man there so I grabbed the nearest object and hit him with it. He attacks back but I grab the gun he had and choke him with the strap. Reaches for the scissors but passes out before he can get to them. I killed him, he's dead.I take the gun and try to open the windows in here, they work. Before I leave I crack open the door then slowly and quietly creep out the window onto the roof. After I do so I quietly jump down and hide on one side of the front porch. On the porch there's a guy eating a can of sardines.
Alex's pov

"We were running a conguae in one these, Probably because the shit birds packed about 4 pounds of C4 up it's ass. We were no more than 20 feet away from that blast that sent that animals hump half a click in the desert, and we drove home. So you tell me how in the holy hell did you possibly kill this truck?" Abraham asks Eugene.
"Fully amped up state and the ignorance of rapidfire and weapons." Eugene says.
I am under the truck, I needed to see what was wrong and I attempted to fix it. But that's not possible, it needs a whole new gas tank. And we're not gonna be able to get a replacement for that nowadays.
Rosie to pick up something from the ground and turns to Glenn.
"Is this yours?" She asks.
Glenn takes it from her and put it in his pocket without saying a word.
"Sorry about your ride hope you guys make it to Washington" Glenn says handing over the gun to Abraham.
I get up from underneath the truck and walk over to Tara. Glenn walks away the rest of us following not far behind.
I hear Rosita say, "well what the hell else are we supposed to do?" Follows behind us.
"Go to Washington, fix the whole damn world!" Abraham says.
"that way is clear, who knows what's north. I'll find another vehicle, will go with them until we do. Trust me I'm smarter than you." Eugene says then gear and follows us with Abraham following.
Ricks pov

I sit there by that porch for awhile. When screaming comes from inside the guy on the porch goes back in. That's what I see Carl and Michonne walking up. I quickly get up and quietly run towards them. When I get there I'll tell them to go the other way.
We run from the house quietly
Alexs pov

We have been walking for a while.
"I got to hand it to him, he's persistent son of a bitch." Abraham say to Tara and I.
"I get why you're following him, Loyal, you're a good person. I like it, but what we're doing. I don't know house to say it, it's just – saving the world it's just – it's just more important. Mean even if he does find his wife, so what." Abraham says.
I never told him about Carl.
"How long do you think they'll live happily ever after unless we get Eugene up to Washington?" Abraham asks Tara.
"Think just because I'm following Glenn I'm a good person, I'm not." Tara says.
"you're good" Abraham says.
"You don't know anything about me. Just like I don't know anything about why your going to Washington. I get Eugene, he's only one that knows how to end this and Rosita she loves you, she would follow you anywhere. But why the hell you agreed to drive him halfway accross the country?" I say.
"Is it hard to believe I want to save the world?" Abraham asks.
"Because your a good person? You don't have to tell me why, just don't lie to me." Tara says.
She walks away.

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