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Starting a new school in the middle of the year was never easy, not to mention starting a new school at the middle of senior year.

But Alma had to; she was half-way through the process of getting into a great college at Washington, pretty much in the middle of nowhere, near a town called Port Angeles, but not quite there.

So she packed her things, and both her and her mother moved to a small town that was an hour away from said Port Angeles.

"I can't keep flying from here to there every two weeks," Alma would explain, "I won't have any money left eventually."

Of course, her mother wasn't obliged to come with her. Alma was nearing the 19 more and more, and the plan was for her mother to stay home, until Alma's grandmother passed away, making the mother come to a very determined decision she isn't leaving Alma alone; she could be a doctor anywhere, and if anything, Seattle wasn't very far, and Seattle had great hospitals.

Alma almost screamed when she heard a glass breaking; hysterical, her best friend's voice nagged her in her mind. She frowned, walking downstairs to see her mother cleaning some glass of the store.

"Mama, careful," she warned, looking disapprovingly at her bare hands and feet as she touched the broken glass like it's impossible for it the make her bleed.

"Alma," she grinned up, "there you are, I was about to come get you," she stood up, throwing the broken pieces in the junk. "I got a call from the hospital-- I got the job. I gotta head out now."

"Alright, good luck," she kissed her mother's cheek, going to clean the floor thoroughly, just in case. 

"Apparently one of their best doctors left a few months ago," her mother hummed. "They had a free spot without him, so they were glad to give the position to someone."

Alma looked up at her mother with a smile, tucking a strand of blonde dyed hair behind her ear. "That's great, mama. Good luck."

"Gracias," she thanked her, putting on shoes and leaving the house. Within moments Alma heard the sound of the engine starting, and soon that too was gone.

Alma checked the time; 7am.

With a sigh, she shuffled upstairs. The two arrived to the house a few hours prior, and Alma drove the whole way, allowing her mother to finally rest a bit, but Alma was as tired as a human can get, so she quickly got into bed, not minding the mess in her mostly empty room, and quickly drifted off.

She dreamed of love again.


"CLASS, SETTLE DOWN!" Mr. Molina, the Biology teacher, called, trying to get the class to calm down. They all did, spotting the blonde standing next to him. "Thank you," he said with an exasperated sigh. "This is Alma Lopez, she will join you for the rest of the year. Please do welcome her. Alma, you've got anything to say?"

"Uh," Alma smiled nervously, "hi, I guess?" that earned a few chuckles.

"Sit down then," his eyes looked around, "Ah, next to Bella. Ms. Swan, could you raise your hand?" a brunette looked up, confused. Hesitatingly, she raised a hand, causing Alma to walk to her desk, plopping down on the chair.

"Hi," she greeted the girl, causing her to look at her weirdly, kind of like she was in pain. "Do I have something on my face? Smell weird?" she questioned, sniffing her hair. "Nope, I smell like usual," she noted, sniffing the vanilla scent just a bit more. So it was ought to be something on her face, she felt around it for a moment before Bella spoke.

"No, I just..." Bella realized Alma was still feeling up her face, now making weird faces and pulling on her face. Bella's lips were painted with a ghost of a smile. "Just, someone else used to sit here. I wasn't... ready, I guess, to have anyone else here."

"Oh," Alma stopped feeling her face, dropping her hands. She looked at the desk for a moment, "I'll ask Mr. Molina to change seats later, then," she decided. "You could wait a bit, right?" she questioned, biting her lip.

"It's okay," Bella waved off, but looked in physical pain as she said "you could stay seated here; I don't mind all that much."

"Okay," Alma mumbled, turning to look at the board; she may be getting a scholarship for her ballet, but she needed the grades too.

Mr. Molina was slightly surprised to see that where Edward Cullen was seated now sat just as intelligent girl, who was actually participating in class, and he didn't fail to see the fact she was finally getting Isabella Swan to speak full sentences.

Alma Lopez could possibly be as intelligent as he heard.

The bell rung far too soon in Alma's opinion, and on her way to her next class, Sociology, she walked with a blond boy called Mike Newton who kept smiling and laughing, making her laugh too. Either way, when the two sat (after another brief introduction) to class, not much learning happened, as Alma dragged the teacher to a full blown argument about society and religions. 

When the class ended, Alma was practically Mike's hero (that is, until he realized she was staying to argue with the teacher on her lunch break's time), and when she finally shuffled out of the class, frowning, she was met with the curious glance of Bella Swan who was sitting on the stairs, reading a book while listening to music.

"Hi Bella," she greeted, "why are you here, and, you know, not eating?"

"Not hungry," she shook her head, biting her nail. "Why aren't you eating?"

"Um,  I was talking with Mr. Jones," she stated, gesturing at the class of the young teacher. "Well, arguing."

"You should eat," Bella stated.

"Well, only if you do," Alma smirked, about to sit down. Bella however stood up.

"Alright," she gave in quickly. "But I'm not sitting with you; or anyone."

"As long as you're eating, you can sit on the ceiling for all I care," Alma smirked, making Bella give her a weird look.

"Why do you care?" she asked softly. It wasn't a rudely asked question, no, it was one of pure interest. As though she truly didn't understand.

"Why shouldn't I?" Alma replied, "I just care," she shrugged, eyebrows furrowed. "I have a tendency to meddle with things I'm not supposed to, always because I worry too much. I'm nosy as hell," she gave a small smile.

"Oh," Bella simply replied as the two reached the cafeteria.

"See you later," Alma waved.

"Yeah, sure," Bella mumbled, going to sit alone while Alma made her way to where Mike Newton was sitting, happily discussing with the three girls seated there the new Gucci collection.

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