Chapter 1

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Sometimes I wondered what someone would feel like after being left in a room day in and day out with nothing but their own minds.
Sometimes the only question could be how are you not crazy? But then I remember I am why else would I be treated like this.
It's been 6 years and I can barely remember what it was like to be in school. 'How was school?' Some may ask and even if you don't I'll tell you it sucked. Nothing but kids making fun of each other and by that I mean me I don't think they made fun of anyone else even the kids that had gotten picked on before had soon turned on the new girl.
As I sat up in bed I sighed looking out into the shadows of my room or what I called my cell. Maybe you couldn't physically see the bars on the windows or the locks on the door but they were there not in the way most would think it was more a thought. No not a thought a way of life soon burned into my mind it's been this way for a long, long time but the rules got worse after that day.
I shook my head (no, I'm not going there) nothing good ever comes from the memory of that day. If anyone was to ask about that day it never happened the day that got me kicked out of school was nothing more then a dream.
Slipping out of bed I walked over to one of the doors and pushed it open flicking on the light and rubbing my eyes as the sudden change soon became normal.
The bathroom was small and often made me laugh to myself. compared to the rest of the house I was pretty much in a cardboard box.
You see the woman i should call my mom is rich and I mean rolling in money I've never been told what it is she does but it must be a pretty good job to give her the type of house she lived in.
As for me I lived in a small place just off the back of the house a small box that held just what was needed to survive that she happily had placed behind a small group of trees making it nearly impossible to see from the main house.
Another sigh left me as I turned to look in the mirror I looked like a ghost. My long black hair was think and messy reaching just under my butt as I moved what I call me bangs out of my face I looked into my eyes.
My right eye seemed to give off a faint blue glow while my left was a few shades darker and looked more... Human.
bitting my lip I looked over my skin (I really could pass as a ghost)
"Boo" I said to the girl in the mirror who's skin could have been mistaken for makeup something I had never been allowed to use.
Giving her a weak smile I looked at what we were wearing and scratched my head. The dress I wore was something I was given nearly a year before and the once bright blue was now faded and warn with the odd rip in different places and the end threatened to unravel.
It was one of the only nice things that woman had ever gotten me so I would wear it until the thin pice of fabric fell off. I quickly checked the straps and sighed in relief it didn't look like that day had come.. Yet.
Stretching my arms over my head I walked back into the room as a flash of light lit up the room making me jump back and stumble onto the wall.
"Talk about a heart attach" I whispered as a loud crack filled the room and the rain hit the window in heavy uneven drops.
I stepped closer to the window trying to remember if the rain had started before I went to the bathroom or not but my thoughts were cut short as my eyes landed of a small grey shape that lay just in the tree line.
I could feel my eyes widen as I realized just what the shape was. A small wolf lay alone in the storm and from the looks of it the wolf was either dead or very close to it.
That's when I started to feel it a feeling I was told never happened it was as if my soul were being pulled to the wolf cub and I was met with an overwhelming sense of sadness.
I shivered as I struggled to keep warm I could feel the rain hitting my body hard the cold sinking deep into my skin but it was more then that. I could feel the rain soaking my fur.
My eyebrows raised as I looked at my arms making me see what I already knew. It wasn't my fur that was being hit by the rain as I looked back through the window I caught my eyes in the reflection.
My right a glowing blue I've grown use to but my left held a new colour a wild brown that I knew could only belong to one thing.
I turned and ran out the door forgetting about the stupid rules and the bars and the locks and ran to the one who's eyes I shared.
The wolf.

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