Chapter 3

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I wanted to hold my breath I knew it wouldn't help or change a thing but it was still tempting it wasn't until I felt the pup move in my hands that I snapped back to my senses.
None of the wolves were showing their teeth in fact the only wolf that seems to move closer was the pup's mother and as I gently put him on his feet she stepped forward and sniffed him.
This made me smile as I began to feel her emotions she had thought her son dead and was ready to take a group of wolves out in the morning to find his body. I looked down as my smile faced if they had waited her son would have been just another wolf to have died young.
I shook my head and forced myself to look at them as his mom took him back to the Rock and looked him over licking his wet fur only to have the rain wash away her cleaning job.
As I watch them my mind began to wonder what would it have been like to have a mother to worry about you..
I felt a light nudge on my right hand and looked down to see the wolf that had led us home and lightly messed with his wet fur.
This wolf had more family then I could ever hope to have part of me the part that was still tied to the pup longed to stay in this place where I belonged.
But the girl inside of my mind the part that knew better pushed away that feeling.
I needed to go back and I needed to go soon there was no telling what that crazy woman would do if she found out I had not only left the box but left the shielded area I was told never to leave.
Giving in I let my head drop knowing that if I had the ears these wolves had they'd be laying flat against my head right about now.
I really messed up never in my 16 years of life had I ever broken this many rules let alone in one night. But as my eyes landed on the pup and his mother I knew that I'd do it all again if I was given the chance to.
Letting out a sigh I looked down into the wolfs dark eyes and as he looked back he tilted his head as if listening to something before nipping at my dress and pushing my over to the wolf and her pup.
The pup looked and felt a lot happier as he ran up to me and nuzzled my ankles making me smiles as I bent down to give him a light rub be hind the ears only to have his mom step before me and all the wolves including the pup back away.
At first I thought she was challenging me of maybe even sizing me up to kill me but that's when I finally realized. I still smelt like one of her own I smelt like her child a child she had never met before.
I knelt down and lowered my head showing her that she was the one in charge only she didn't seem to care she took her time moving closer to me and stopped once she was only inches away the heat from her fur making me notice how cold it really was out her.
I closed my eyes knowing just what she'd do and as she open her mouth I bit my lip holding in a yelp as she bit my shoulder just deep enough to draw blood and nothing more once she was satisfied she licking my now open wound and nuzzled my cheek.
I had been allowed into the pack by the alpha female this made me blush a bit. The first time I'm treated like family and it's to a pack of wolves she licked my cheek as she said her goodbyes.
I smiled as I stood up her bite meant I was now a full member of her pack and could come and go as I pleased turning I nodding knowing that if it took everything out of me I would be seeing these wolves again and it wasn't until I reached the tree line and looking back at my pack that I noticed the rain had stopped leaving nothing but the cold air.
I shivered and hugged myself trying to keep warm as I started my walk back to the house I would never call home. As I walked I began to think about that day again all those kids. I should have seen it coming I should have known better then to look too closely at him but as he shoved my to the ground all I could feel was rage and before I knew it I was standing in front of him feeling all the fear, anger, and discussed he felt towards me and as he looked into my eyes he fell to the floor frozen by an emotion all humans seem to have near me.
Complete terror if I was anyone else I would have smiled and been happy at the site of my bully crying at my feet. But that wasn't who I am and as the teacher rounded the corner and seen my eyes she screamed and before I knew it my world went black.
I was always told that was nothing more than a dream but I knew better that was real.
But it wasn't just the feeling I had in the memory it was the look of disappointment and rage that burned like a fire in that woman's eyes every time she had the unfortunate luck of running into me. And as I broke back into the yard and the last of the lighting light up the sky I could see the outline of a person standing just outside the main house. I didn't need to get any closer to know who it was and as I swallowed hard I knew without and doubt that her eyes were burning brighter then ever and that I shouldn't have even come back home.

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