The Pool Party

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[A/N]: Okay, this was requested by Jynnie_Nevaeh
I hope you like it c: I had writers' block for like the whole week because of how tired school was making me. Edit: sorry for the long wait, Comment and vote, also comment whether you want part 2  to escalate into smut or leave it clean thanks for reading my stuff

I awoke to the sound of music and screaming outside. I looked at my clock, only to find I'd slept until noon! 'Dang it! I overslept again!' I thought. Within seconds, as if they sensed I had awoken from my beautiful slumber, my best friend Jay; who also happens to be my roommate, knocked on my door:

"Jazlynn, you up," he yells, questioning his volume of voice.

"Why wouldn't I be up with all this music playing ?" You yell.

He opens the door and walks into your room, and you see that he has on this outfit with a pool party energy emitting from it.

"Did you start another pool party again without asking me ?" You ask, the now blasting music answering your question before he could.

"Yes, but I only did it because you need some chill time from the tutoring Job you have," he says, getting irritated, "I mean, I understand that it's your job, but you're so nice that you make the shift - too nice if you ask me, and they're starting to taking advantage of it by calling you in more." he finishes off as he sits on your bed making the bed dip in his direction.

I turn my face in his direction to look him in his eyes and talk to him properly... Something I wish I didn't just do. His eyes have a mixture of hurt and loneliness in them.
" Okay, you know what, for your sake, I'll stay and party, but if things get too out of hand, I'm shutting it down." You joke, punching his arm.

"Ouch, that hurts," he says, laughing it off.

•Time Skip•

Having the most fabulous evening so far, And some cutie ends up dancing with me. Okay, so maybe I may have had too many drinks Earlier, but I'm okay. I End walking with this cutie who looks familiar, but I can't remember what their name is.

• Time Skip again•
I awoke from my sleep with a tremendous hangover ever. I got up to do my daily hygiene. When I walked out, I saw something or someone in my bed that I didn't notice before.
I scream in panic as the figure fell out of my bed. I was ready to hit them when I saw that it was jay getting up.

" What the fuck Jaz, that was uncalled for," he says in annoyance.
" Why were you in my bed, and what did you do..." you say in a state of panic.

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