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"Haven't had venison in a while" I stated. Daryl just grunted, peering in closer to the tracks.
"Why, yah clearly know how much ta hunt?"He said in his usual husky voice.
I rolled my eyes at his question. "Maybe because dragging a 100 pound deer by myself in the middle of the winter, isn't that easy" I replied in a duh tone, he scoffed. We continued following the tracks.
Shane made me go hunting with Daryl, no idea why. I think he does it just to piss me off, it works alright.
"No need ta be such a bitch all the time" he spat, I rolled my eyes.
"No need to be such a jackass all the time" I retorted mimicking his tone.
I stopped in my tracks at the sight of the deer. Daryl had yet to notice it, I aimed my bow at it preparing to shoot. When the deer suddenly sprinted in the opposite direction, curtesy Daryl questioning what the hell I was doing.
"Way to go dumbass" I muttered before going in the same direction as the deer.
"Fuck" I muttered at the sight of the deer been mauled on my a dumbass walker.
We continued walking towards it. When suddenly a scream erupted.  A few other people appeared, they began beating it, eventually chopping its head off  an axe.

We finally made it through the tree line, the deer lay in its side with a massive chunk missing
I sighed, clenching my teeth in agitation. Daryl was abusing the body of the thing that took out dinner. He kicked it repetitively muttering a string of insults.
"That's not helping anything, son" a man, Dale I think spoke. Daryl walked over to the dear and examined it.
"What yah think, cut round' this bit?" He suggested gesturing to the chunk that had been eaten.
"Can't risk that man" Shane sighed. Daryl grunted. His eyes catching on the undead walker head.
"Don't y'all know nothin? Has Ta be the brain" he informed before shooting an arrow through its eye. He stormed back into the direction of camp, and starting shouting a name I didn't recognise.
Must be one of the people on the run.
"Merle!" He shouted again.
I walked over to Glenn, "who's Merle?" I questioned furrowing my eyebrows. Glenn sighed rubbing his forehead his hands slipping under his cap.
"His brother" he replied. He had a brother, nice to know.

"Let me go!" A voice shouted, I jogged in the direction of the camp. Shane had Daryl in a choke hold, his face was red and tears were evident on his face. The jackass has a soft Side? What do you know.
"Stop!" I croaked, tears streamed effortlessly down my bruised face. "Father, please don't" I whimpered falling to the floor once again. He kicked my side again. "You fûcking killed your mother you dumb bitch!" He shouted his kicks getting fiercer. "Fuck!" He said before kneeling down. He turned me over so I was on my stomach, he then moved on top of me so he was cradling my waste. My eyes widened. "No, you can't" I croaked my voice weak.
"Oh but I can" he grinned.
"Don't! Please!"
"Winter wake the hell up!"
"Please I'll do anything!"
I snapped up, panting rapidly. I put my head in my knees before processing were I was.
I was in the tent Daryl and I still share. Meaning he witnessed what just happened.
I mumbled a 'sorry for wakin you' before turning so my back was facing him. I squeezed my eyes shut and hoped he didn't say anything.

When I didn't hear anything I tried to get back to sleep, failing miserably.
"Winter?". I flinched slightly at the sound of his voice, but ignored him.
"Winter, what was that?" He pressed on.
Just ignore him.
"Fine" he grumbled. I heard rustling so I assumed he was going back to sleep.
Daryl was still pissy at everyone, considering his attempt to find his brother yesterday failed. He hadn't brought up last night though, which I'm thankful for. Me and a few others were stuck on laundry duty, down by the quarry. Much to my despair.
"I miss my washer" carol, suddenly piped up. The others began listing off things, but I just zoned out.
"What's so funny?" Ed asked appearing from behind us.
"Just sharing war stories Ed" Andrea retorted.
Ed made some sexist comment, causing anger to flood through Andrea. Don't provoke the bear. She did though, throwing the t-shirt she was welding at him. Stupid bitch. Ed through it back at her, it slapping against her chest. He demanded for Carol, the others stood. Protecting the weak Carol. He marched forward and leached onto Carols arm. It was then I stood. "Let the her go" I growled threateningly. He dropped her arm and turned to me, crossing is arms over his chest. "Mind your own fucking business, slut!" He retorted, I rolled my eyes.

"Carol get over here" he once again demanded. Carol shook her head, going further to the back. Ed stepped forward, pushing the group aside. Before I had time to react he slapped her. Anger convulsed through me as I lurched forward. Pulling Ed back. He spun around, shock and anger written across his face. I shoved him, he fell back into his ass. "Don't fucking touch her or your daughter again!" I spat, before turning to walk away. I felt a grip on my ankle, next thing I knew I was falling. The impact to the ground wasn't overly comfortable, my right hip landed strait on a massive rock causing waves of pain to shoot though me. Quickly I turned over onto my back, giving ed a nice kick to the face. The next moments were a blur, some how Shane managed to drag Ed away and beat him to a pulp. Carol was bawling her eyes out muttering undeserved apologies to her scumbag of a husband.


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