3~>dangerous places

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"You dumb bitch!" He spat.
"What now?"I snapped, I clamped my mouth shut in realisation of my words.
"I owe a fucking favour and you paying it off" he informed me, my eyes widened and my heart thudded in my chest.
"What favour?" I muttered. He just smirked confirming my suspicions.
"What happened to you?" The jackass asked snapping me out of my day dream.
"What do you mean?" I asked rolling my eyes.
"You have a limp" he observed.
"Thanks Sherlock" I retorted.
"Well?" He pressed.
"What's it matter?" I replied. He rolled his eyes.
"I don't know" he walked off after a short huff.
I again rolled my eyes. I looked down at my feet, the worn leather boots that provided me protection countless times. I found when searching through a house that was overrun with walkers. I managed to kill them all because I was angry and anger fuelled my fight. Suddenly a scream sounded. I jumped up from my position at my tent to identify the source. Amy. Two walkers were eating at her why other began creeping out of the tree lines. People began screaming in fear or pain and maybe even sorrow. I ran towards the group weapon in the ready. The first person I saw was Shane so I ran to him and began taking down nearing walkers with my knife. I was too busy killing one so I failed to noticed the one creeping up behind me. It grabbed onto my hair tugging it back, I grunted in annoyance. I attempted to spin around but before I had the chance the walker fell strait on top of me. I was pinned on my stomach, an all too familiar position. I lifted my torso with a struggle shoving the walker off me, I rolled into my back and shoved my knife through its eye socket. Another came soon after but I managed to get back on my feet and shove the knife through is rotted jaw.

The rest went off quite quickly, leaving me slumped against the R.V trying to catch my breath. We had lost about a dozen people; Ed, Amy I didn't know the rest so I wasn't overly saddened . Amy had yet to be put down, Andrea wouldn't leave her side.
The group who went on a run earlier had returned with a new person who was apparently Lori's husband, farther of Carl.
"What do you mean the door won't open?" Lori shouted at her distraught husband.
I rolled my eyes "He means the door won't open" I retorted, Lori glared at me but I just rolled my eyes.
"THe camera it moved" rick explained as Shane continued to try and pull him back.
"Your just seeing things" Shane continued to try to get rick to leave considering the walkers closing in on us. "Let us in!" Rick suddenly shouted banging on the big metal doors, he was going to attract walkers.
I was suddenly blinded by a bright light, a men stood at the now open door.
I couldn't see who they were from where I was standing.
"What do you want?" One of them asked.
"A chance" Rick pleaded.
"That's asking an awful lot these days"
"I know" rick said looking down, you could sense the hesitance in the mans voice.
"Come in, get your stuff. Once those doors close, they stay closed" everyone began rushing to get there bags, unlike me who actually was prepared.

"No, you can't" I pleaded already full on panicking, I broke into a sweat falling to the floor in hopelessness. He just rolled his eyes and walked away leaving me sobbing on the floor, I tried to get myself together. But failed, as always.
He walked back in shortly after, a tall, buff man in tow. The mans eyes raked over my body hungrily, a smirk plastered on his dry lips.
"How long?" He asked my father eagerly, my dad chuckled.
"Knock your self out."
Extremely short chapter, sorry.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2017 ⏰

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