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it was a cold monday morning, and I was sitting on my bus, driving to hell.

I was wearing leggings, high top converse and my long sleeved shirt that I got from some cheerleading competition last year. it was monday...I didn't really care what I was wearing. who was there to impress? except sammy, but since he was a senior we had no classes. I barely ever saw him at school, except during lunch.

I hop off of the bus, and right as I walk into school I put my headphones into my ears and start playing my music from my sound cloud. I did this so that people wouldn't come up to me during school. I hated everyone at my school.

I walk up to my locker, put the combination in, and grab my books, and right as I turn around to walk to class I fall into a boy. Sammy.

"morning beautiful." he says, kissing me on the cheek. this made me blush, I smirked a bit.

"hey sammy, what are you doing here? I never see you in the morning." I giggle a tiny bit, shutting my locker.

sammy looks behind him, to see the bunches of people staring at us. fuck off people. "yeah I know, I just wanted to see you. I missed you baby." he says while pouting all cutely.

I just shake my head and laugh a tiny bit.
we weren't even dating.

"I'm getting so much hate for walking with you right now." I said with a small sigh.

I could hear the people walk past me, they we're talking about me. saying that sammys just using me for sex, that I'm not even that pretty, that I was a whore, etc. like seriously people it's none of you're business. last time that I checked, Sammy and I do not concern you what so ever.

I walked into my homeroom, waving goodbye to the cute boy that was wearing khakis, a hoodie, and some vans. I was happy that he walked with me. he's making progress:))

I take a seat at my desk as I start to look through my binder for my assignments until someone comes up to my desk. it was my friend maddie. she was a short brunette with green eyes. she was one of my prettiest friends.

"hey micky." she says, with a half smile, as she takes a seat at the empty desk next to me.

"hey madds, what's up?" I say, still rummaging though my binder.

"oh nothing...I just saw you and Samuel walking through the hallway together this morning." she says with a devious smirk. "he never walks with girls Michaela! he must really like you." she says with a smile. I could tell that she was excited for me. I wasn't excited. I was scared.

the day goes on and on, lunch comes up and I find my table of friends. as I walk to my table, I hear my name called from across the cafeteria. I turn my head, and i see Sammy. I laugh and walk towards him.

"what's up?" i ask him, holding onto my lunchbox.

"sit with us." he says with his cute little smirk.

"sit with you guys?" I said, restating the question that he asked me.

"yeah. sit with us." he says, pulling me to the seat next to him. I take the seat, but after I turn my head to look back at my friends. I could tell they were upset I wasn't sitting with them. they were probably talking shit about me.

at sammys table, it was nash, this girl jasmine, this guy jake, and then jack gilinsky and jack johnson. they were all druggies. except jack j. he was a good kid.

as we sit and eat, Kylie smith walks past with her little posy . she was my competition at my school, in my grade. she was the hottest girl at our school. well...that's what she thought. she was also a blonde, she had bright blue eyes and a perfect body, but her personality sucked. she was like talking to a rock..but the guys enjoyed her because she was willing to do almost anything.

"oh...guys look. it's sammy, and his new little sex slave. for all I know..Michaela probably has an std by now." she says, twirling her hair around her pinky finger. her 3 other "friends" just stand behind her and listen to her.

as I hear what she says, anger took over me. I was done with everyone thinking that I was behind used, and that I've become such a whore just because of me and sammy having this "thing". Sammy looked at me as if he was about to get up and say something but I just shook my head. I speak up, and stand up out of my chair.

"um excuse me?" I said, being quite offended.

"we all know sammy is just using you...what would he want with you?" she says sexually chewing on her piece of bubble gum.

I just shake my head. unbelievable. she was such a bitch. I never did anything to her. she's always just felt like it's been a competition between the two of us.

"lol...I'm laughing so hard right now. Kylie, the only guy you can get is you're older brother. I have the video of you two...remember? party of 2015? sophomore year? ring a bell? i can send it to the entire student body if you wanna play it that way." I say, blowing her a kiss. I turn back around and take a seat next to sammy.

Kylie's mouth was wide open. she was pissed. I just roasted the shit out of her.

all of sammys friends just give me smirks and silent "welcome to the table" motions. I felt as if I would fit in with the people Sammy hung out with? maybe they'll grow on me.

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