Chapter 1: The Text

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Emma: Hey! I missed you! ✊💕

Jax: Hey uh, do I know you?

Emma: Oh shoot, wrong person!

Jax: Yea...

Emma: Why are you still talking to me.

Jax: Why are you still talking to me.

Emma: You're right, you're a total stranger.

Jax: Oh and you're not?

Emma: You're name is " Jax "

Jax: Yea so?

Emma: Are you a girl or a boy?

Jax: Boy... You?

Emma: I'm a girl.. How about you tell me about yourself so you don't seem like a total stranger

Jax: Nah you first.

Emma: Ugh, you know what let's just do the 20 question thing.

Jax: Alright.

Emma: Me first, uh your favorite color?

Jax: Black, you?

Emma: Pink.

Jax: Uh okay, What's your age?

Emma: 17, how about you

Jax: 17 also.

Emma: Mkay my turn, Where do you live?

Jax: Stalker..

Emma: I'm not a stalker, you barely even know me!!

Jax: Haha I'm kidding, Australia, Sydney.

Emma: Oh that's cool! So you have an Australian accent?

Jax: Yup. You?

Emma: Eh, Miami.

Jax: Cool.

Emma: You seem nice.

Jax: I am nice, once you get to know me better.

Emma: How do you even look like?

Jax: How do you look like?

Emma: No, you first!

Jax: Well I have dark hair.

Emma: Send me a picture!

Jax: Ladies first.

Emma: No thank you, you're going first.

Jax: Alright let's do this. How about I flip a coin.

Emma: How can I trust you?

Jax: Um, I'll send you a video.

Emma: Nah it's okay, I trust you now.

Jax: Okay. Heads or Tail?

Emma: Uhh head?

Jax: Okay it's...

Emma: It's??

Jax: Tails...

Emma: Hah!

Jax: Whatever. 😒✋

Emma: Send the picture mister!

Jax: Alright, Alright!


1 picture attached

Emma: Oh my god.
You're so cute! And your hair is perfect! 😻✊💘

Jax: Haha, thanks I get that a lot. 💯

Emma: 😒👎

Jax: Hey Emma?

Emma: Yea? Emma Alonso by the way.

Jax: Jax Novoa, and I'll talk to you later.

Emma: Okay bye.

" He's so cute. " I whisper. " Who's so cute? " Andi says, I forgot she was here. " Oh god, I forgot you were here. " I say rolling my eyes.
"Yea, yea don't try to change the subject. Who is this guy? " Andi said.
"His name is Jax, he's 17. Look here's a picture of him. " I showed her the picture, she seemed surprised.
" Wow, he is cute but I only date zombies. "
" Andi zombies are fake, plus that would be like the worst thing ever. ".
" You're just jealous " she said like a 6 year old. " anyways how did you meet him? " Andi asked me.
" Well I was trying to text and old friend and I accidentally texted him. After that we just talked, he lives in Australia. " I told her. "Wow, a total stranger. What if that's not even him. He could've gotten that picture from Google you know. " she told me
" You're right, but he's so nice and seems cool. "
" Aren't you dating Daniel? "
" Uh yea.. " I told her kinda confused, why does that matter?
" Then stop trying to get with Jax. "
" I'm not trying to get with him or date him. I l-lo.. I like Daniel " I told her. I mean Daniel is a nice, sweet guy...but I don't really have any feelings for him.
" You like Daniel? "
" Okay Andi, you can't tell Daniel.. But I don't love him no more.. "
" wow.. I promise I won't " she said.
"Thanks Andi, I'm going to sleep.. You can go home" I told her while getting up my couch and walking slowly up the stairs with him phone.
" Okay bye Em, see you at school tomorrow. " Then she left. I fell asleep, should I break up with Daniel?

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