Broken arm

390 21 8

BASED ON A TRUE STORY. (not kidding my dad did this to me XD)

>Happy online<

>Natsu online<

Happy: *with a very obvious broken arm* *crying* NATSUU!!!! My arm hurts!

Natsu: *looks at arm* Oh it'll be fine

Happy: But but but NATSU!!

Natsu: *sticks a sucker in Happy's mouth and sits him in front of the TV* Watch some barnie.

>Lucy online<

Lucy: What's wrong with happy?

Natsu: Oh nothing his arm just hurts.

Lucy: Hey happy, how are you feeling?

Happy: *takes sucker out of his mouth* ...IT HURRRTTSSSSSS *sobbing*

Lucy: *looks at happy's arm* NATSU THIS ARM IS BROKEN!!!!

>Natsu offline<

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