Chapter 21: A New Addition

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1 month later

Julia’s POV

I rolled over and wrapped my arms on what I thought was Ronnie but it was Charlie in between us. I laughed and kissed his head. He licked my cheek and smiled. I chuckled and got out of bed. I was going dress shopping with Tiffany, Jen and Christina today. Ronnie and I decided on getting married October 3rd which was a week from today. We already have everything booked. I just couldn’t find dresses that me and the girls liked. I started to make coffee and Ronnie came bounding down the stairs with Charlie. “How are my two favorite people this morning?” he asked. Oh did I forget to mention that three weeks ago we found out I was pregnant. The guys and I are really excited. Ronnie is but he is worrying about being a bad father. I’m trying to tell him he won’t but he doesn’t believe me. He will find out eventually. We really hope it is a baby girl. We already picked out names. Iris Ava Radke for a girl and Jacob Drew Radke for a boy. Ronnie made us breakfast while I fed Charlie. Ryan already called dibs on being the godfather and Tiffany got dibs on being the godmother. Speaking of Tiffany, she and Jacky are dating and they are so adorable together. Ronnie made us homemade oatmeal with freshly cut fruit. I thanked him and dug in. I felt my stomach start to churn. Ronnie smiled weakly. I couldn’t hide how I felt from him. My face is an open book. I ran to the bathroom with Ronnie following me. He held my hair back as I threw up my breakfast. I wiped my mouth and flushed the toilet. “I’m sorry Ronnie.” I said starting to cry. “Don’t worry about it Julia. It is fine. This is natural. It doesn’t bother me.” He said. I smiled and rested my head on his chest. Charlie looked in at us and had a look on his face asking me mom, are you okay. I smiled and scratched his head. I got up and headed into the living room with Ronnie. He was leaving for The Thug In Me Is You Tour right after our wedding. I really want to go but Ronnie wants me to stay home to take care of me and our baby. “Babe, Haley and Jen will be here soon to get you.” He said. “I don’t want to get ready. I wanna stay here and cuddle with you.” I said. He chuckled and kissed me. “I know, I would love that too but you need to find a dress.” He said. I nodded and went to go get ready but he pulled me back down and held me tightly. I chuckled and kissed him. I got up and got ready. I came back downstairs and Jen and Haley were here. I kissed Ronnie goodbye and we went to another dress shop. “Why don’t I just wear jeans and a band tee?” I said. The girls laughed. “Because silly it is your wedding. We want you to find the perfect dress and have your fairytale wedding.” Haley said. “I don’t care as long as I’m Mrs. Radke by the end of the day.” I said. They awed and we showed up at this old wedding dress boutique. It is owned by an Old Italian woman. She smiled at us and came over. “Who is the bride to be?” she asked. I raised my hand and she hugged me. “I have the perfect dress for you.” She said pushing me into a dressing room and went to get a dress. She gave me this beautiful white lace dress. It was strapless underneath a layer of lace over the top of it covering my upper chest and arms with lace. I slipped it on and I loved how it felt on me. I walked out and the little old lady looked like she was about to cry. “You look beautiful Julia.” She said. “How do you know my name? I never told you.” I asked. “Your friends told me.” She said. “No we didn’t.” Jen said. I looked closely at her. “Noni.” I said with tears in my eyes. She nodded and hugged me tightly and we cried together. When my mom left I lost all contact with her family because Dad and I moved and because I was so mad at her for leaving. I explained everything to Jen and Haley and they smiled. “Noni, I’ve missed you so much. I’m sorry I haven’t tried to talk to I was just so upset with my mom.” I said. “I understand Julia, I just missed my baby.” She said. I kissed her cheek and hugged her. “Noni, you’re going to be a great grandma.” I said. Once I said that her face lit up like a Christmas tree. I smiled and she hugged me tightly. “How many months are you?” she asked. “One. We picked the names already. Jacob Drew and Iris Ava.” I said. “It better be a little girl so I can make her dresses.” She said. I laughed and hugged her. The girls were off looking for a dress while we were talking. They ended up picking a short light pink dress with tulle bunched up at the bottom with some roses that hugged their curves. My noni gave us the dresses for free and we put them in the car. “Noni, I want you to come over for dinner tonight.” I said. “What time do you want me to come over?” she asked. “How about 5 and we can cook dinner together like we used to.” I said. “I would love that.” She said. I gave her my address and hugged her goodbye. Ronnie was at the studio with the boys till later so I hid the dresses. We got a little bow tie for Charlie since he was being the ring bearer. Charlie came over and gave me a kiss. Haley and Jen went swimming in the pool with me and Charlie for a little bit then left to meet up with their guys. My dad was in the area for a while so I invited him for dinner along with Ronnie’s dad and Brad. I told them to come over around 6. I went food shopping for tonight and got ready for tonight. I slipped on a pair of dark blue skinny jeans and a lace coral pink blouse. I slipped on some black flats and headed downstairs. I heard a knock at the door and there stood my Noni. I hugged her and she wanted to know where the kitchen is. I took her to our kitchen and she placed the bags on the counter. “First we need to heat up my sauce and then we can start making the lasagna and cook the meat.” She said. I nodded and got out a big pot for the sauce. I poured the sauce in and started to heat it up. My Noni started cooking the meat and adding all these amazing spices that made the room smell amazing. I heard Ronnie walk in through the front door. “Why does the house smell so good?” he yelled walking into the kitchen. “Ronnie, this is my Noni. She is having dinner with us tonight along with our dads and Brad.” I said. “it’s nice to meet you.” He said. “Is this little Ronald Radke?” she asked. “Yes, it is me. We haven’t seen each other in about 20 something years.” He said. She smiled and hugged him. Ronnie went to shower and get ready while we finished dinner. We finished making the salad and the garlic bread and lasagna were in the oven baking. I introduced my Noni to Ronnie’s dad and Brad and she was excited to meet them and she was ecstatic to see my dad again. Ronnie came down as we were setting the table. I wanted to tell our dads and Brad about the new addition to the family but I don’t know. We were all laughing and enjoying each other by the end of dinner. I got the chocolate mousse cake we made for dessert. Ronnie stopped me in the kitchen. He took out a little flag and stuck it in the cake. I smiled at him and kissed him. “Now for dessert.” I said placing the cake on the table.  Brad’s jaw dropped. “We’re gonna have another Radke running around.” He cheered. I laughed and our dads were shocked but happy. We said goodbye to everyone and I hugged my Noni extra tightly. She was excited about the wedding next week too. I started cleaning up dinner when Ronnie stopped me. “Go sit down on the couch and I will clean up. I want you to rest.” He said. “Ronnie, let me help please.” I said. “No you made it, I clean it up.” He said. I frowned and sat on the counter as he cleaned up dinner. Once he finished he scooped me up and carried me up to our room. “Today marks the day where we have 8 months left.” He said. “I can’t wait to meet him/her.” I said. He smiled and kissed my tummy. I stood against our wall and he marked my one month bump. We already marked my normal belly before I got pregnant. “I can’t wait to meet our little miracle.” He said. I smiled. “I can’t wait either.” I said kissing him. I changed into one of his shirts and crawled into bed. He stripped to his boxers and crawled in behind me and wrapping his arms around me. He kissed my head and I fell asleep.

Julia's Wedding Dress on the side

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