Chapter 30: Friends Again?

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Julia’s POV

I woke up and sat up slowly in bed. Ronnie was sleeping peacefully curled up with Willow. I smiled and got out of bed. I headed into the bathroom and washed my face. The beautiful thing about being pregnant is I can't sleep much sometimes. It's five in the morning right now. I made myself some coffee and toast with peanut butter and bananas. I sat in front of the TV and watched the news. It sickens me about what this world has turned to. I changed into sweatpants and a hoodie of Ronnie's. I grabbed Charlie's leash. "Come on buddy." I said. He smiled and I clipped his leash on him. I started walking down the street with him. I began singing Escape The Fate absent mindlessly. I saw Robert out walking his dog. I sighed and sat down under a tree. I began to cry. Charlie sat at my feet resting his head on my knees. "Hello, is everything okay?" I heard someone ask. I looked up it was Robert. "Julia." He said. I stood up hugging him tightly crying. "I miss you so much Rob. I just want my older protective brother back." I said. He rubbed my back and kissed my head. "I've missed you too Julia." He said. "So can we go back to the way things used to be?" I asked. He nodded. I smiled and hugged him tightly. "So what has happened since we've last talked?" He asked. "Well I'm married as you know; we've been happily married for a couple months. We saved Ronnie's daughter Willow. I'm pregnant with our daughter Iris." I said. He smiled. "I'm really happy for you both." He said. I haven't seen him since he was sitting in the back of the church at my wedding. "Any girls in your life?" I asked. "Nope, just this little girl." He said petting his dog's head. I smiled. We got to the dog park and I sat down with Rob as our dogs ran around. "How is Ronnie?" He asked. "Doing good, he is excited about being a dad." I said. He smiled. "I'm glad. You two really were meant for each other. Craig by the way told me what happened with Mika. I'm sorry about that. He feels horrible. I think you should talk to him about it please." He said. "I will talk to him as long as you come with me." I said. He nodded. “Come on, I will take you back to my place so I can drop of Charlie and I can tell Ronnie I will be gone for a couple hours.” I said. He nodded. We got our dogs and walked back to my house. We walked in and Ronnie was watching Spongebob with Willow. “Hi sweetie, I need to talk to daddy outside for a second. This is my best friend Robert. He is really nice. He is going to sit here with you while I talk to daddy.” I said. “Okay mommy.” She said hugging me. I kissed her head and headed out back with Ronnie. I sat down on a chair and he sat down next to me. “What’s going on? Why is Rob here?” Ronnie asked. “Promise to hear me out first.” I said. He nodded. “I am going with Rob to talk to Craig.” I said. “Oh hell no.” Ronnie said interrupting. “You promised.” I said. He groaned and let me finish. “Craig is extremely upset about what happened between Mika, him and me. I deserve an explanation so I am going. Rob promised to protect me. I will keep you updated. I promise. I love you Ronnie.” I said kissing him. He kissed me back and we headed inside. Willow was braiding Rob’s hair. I chuckled and Ronnie sat back down next to Willow. “Take care of her Rob. I am counting on you.” Ronnie said. “Don’t worry Ronnie. I won’t let anything happen.” Rob said. “I will be back later Willow. I love you.” I said kissing her head. “Okay, I love you too mommy.” She said kissing my cheek. I got in my car with Rob and drove to his house. We dropped off his dog and then headed to Craig’s. I took a deep breath and knocked on the door. “Holy shit, Julia.” Monte said. I smiled and walked in. “Leila, let’s go to the park. Daddy has to talk to someone.” Monte said. “Okay, I love you daddy.” Leila said hugging Craig. They left and I walked over to Craig. “Craig, can we talk?” I asked. He shot up and looked at me. His eyes were all red and puffy. “Come here.” I said. He walked over and I wrapped my arms around him. He let it out. He started sobbing. “Everything is okay now Craig. Just breathe.” I said. “No, it isn’t. I’ve hurt you so much. I don’t know how you can even look at me.” He said. “Because I know how to forgive people.” I said. He calmed down and we sat down the couch. “Tell me why you and Mika raped me.” I said. “It wasn’t my idea at all I swear on Leila’s life. I heard Leila screaming one night. I ran to her room and there stood Mika with a gun. He told me to help him hurt you or he would kill Leila. By hurting you I thought he meant like just beating you up or getting Ronnie arrested again. SO I agreed. When we got to your house I had no idea he was planning on raping you. I should’ve stopped him but I was too worried about Leila. I am so sorry Julia. I am such a fucking screw up.” He said. I saw the truth in his eyes. “Craig, I forgive you. You did what you would do to protect your daughter. I would do the same for my girls.” I said placing a hand on my stomach. “Please tell me that isn’t Mika’s?” he asked. “It is Ronnie’s, her name is Iris Ava.” I said. He smiled. “Wait you said girls.” He said. “Ya, Ronnie’s ex Crissy apparently had their kid and we adopted her. Her name is Willow.” I said. “I am happy for you both.” He said. “Thanks Craig. How have you been?” I asked. “Gabby and I are back together, we have been for the past five months. I want to ask her to move in with me so I can have her and Leila here all the time.” He said. “Good, I can come see my favorite girl here all the time now. I might have to take her on some dates.” I said. “Hey Gabby is mine.” He said. I laughed. “Maybe Willow and Leila can be friends.” I said. “I would like that.” He said. I smiled and hugged him. “I’ve missed you Mabbitt. I’ve missed you too Radke.” He said. We hugged each other and I drove home with Rob. Now I have to explain to Ronnie everything that happened. Boy does my head hurt. I dropped Rob off at home and gave him a quick hug then I headed home to Ronnie. I pulled in and took in a deep breath. I saw Ronnie in the kitchen making lunch while Willow was coloring in the other room. “So how did it go?” he asked. “Mika forced him to hurt me. It was either that or Mika would’ve killed Leila. I looked him straight in the eye and I knew he was telling the truth Ronnie.” I said sitting down at the island. “I believe you, Julia. I know you can tell when people are lying. That’s why I never got away with lying to you when we were little.” He said. I smiled and kissed him. “He is dating Gabby again. I am friends with him again and we were thinking Willow and Leila could hangout and become friends.” I said. “Sounds like a good idea to me.” He said. “Really, you aren’t mad?” I asked. “Nope, I trust you Julia.” He said kissing me. “Now here, I made you your favorite.” He said placing a bowl of tomato soup and a grilled cheese in front of me. I smiled and dug in. “Willow, lunch is ready!” Ronnie yelled placing her sandwich and soup next to me. Willow came running in and sat next to me. We ate together in a comfortable silence. Ronnie let out a loud burp and Willow and I lost it. We fell on the ground laughing. Ronnie started laughing at us. He helped us up and we picked up from lunch. I headed to the living room with Willow to color with her. Everything is perfect now. I just have to get Ronnie and Max to talk to each other and I have to forgive Max.

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