❤ Dear Darling ❤ a Harry Styles fanfiction

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Hi. This is my first attempt at writing a story so I know it wont get many reads, but that doens't matter :) the first few chapters won't be that interesting so you just have to stick with me on this one pleaassee, if you like my writing please vote for this story and comment what you think.

H. xx


"Hannah wake up the mails arrived!" my older sister Sabrina screamed from the front door. She was Tall and very thin with brown wavy hair, we don't get along very well...... "I'll me right down" I mumbled into the pillows as I rolled off my bed. I pulled out my fluffy slippers and put on my robe and made my way down the stairs to the kitchen where my sister and mum were waiting "Looks like you have another letter from that English boy" My mum said with a smile forming. You see I have had a pen pal called Harry for about 3 years now, it started with a school activity and we just got on really well so we decoded to keep writing. He has curly chocolate brown hair with green eyes and is very tall from what I know and he lives all the way in Holmes Chapel, Cheshire! that's basically half way around the world from me! since I live in Australia it takes quite a while to write letters to each other so we do text and call each other but I much prefer writing, its just so formal.... "Come on darling, it's time to get ready for school" I guess I have to head off to another day of hell....


"Hannah! did you hear a word i just said" "u-um no miss, sorry" I was in English, my least favorite subject, not because I don't like the class, but because of the teacher. Ms Taylor and I haven't really gotten along ever since she came to the school, it wasn't my fault that she tripped on my bag! she should have been watching where she was going! and now she blames me for the 'incident' and has held a grudge against me for 2 years now..... I am currently in year 11 at school, which makes me 17. I don't really like school, I just can't concentrate but I do have really good friends here, Ashleigh, Katja (pronounced cat•ea) and Jemima . My old best friend Hazel passed away in a car accident... But I promised myself I wouldn't think about that right now.....  





"Ugh double RE" I stated with no emotion, RE was my worst subject I just didn't get the whole Jesus thing, i don't get why I have to go to a catholic school, it's not like I'm going to use religion in my life anyway! "Come on girls, get to class! Don't want to be late now do you" a passing teacher sneered.

*** (skip the rest of School)

"MUMMMM I'M HOME" I shouted as I walked through the front door, the smell of roast chicken and vegetables filling my senses mmmm my favourite... "Hey mum what's the occasion? We hardly ever have chicken." "Well sweetie, I know that you don't like me going through your letters with Harry but I just had to! And I know that you haven't read it yet so I won't spoil the surprise for you, it's on your bed" "WHAT! Mum you know the stuff we write about is private!" I said starting to get frustrated "Hannah, that's no way to talk to your mother" she scolded. 

I decided to give up in the argument and just go read the letter, it was the usual stuff, just him talking about school and his job and family but something at the end caught my eye..... it read, 

'Dear Darling, It has come to my attention that we both get along very well and I think that we could better our bond if we met in person. So if it is OK with both you and your family I would be happy to make the trip to Australia and come visit you while I stay with some family, i'm not trying to push you into meeting me so if you don't want to just say so, I just thought it would be a good opportunity.... call me when you have made he decision, i will be waiting.

Love Harry xx'

"MUM! OHMYGOD IS THIS SERIOUS IS HE ACCTUALY COMING HERE!!!" I said as I ran down towards the kitchen "Yes honey, why would i ever lie to you about something like this" "God mum this is so exciting, do you think ts ok? can he really come!" "Yes Hannah! why else would i be so happy for you" she said whilst laughing slightly "well i'm gonna go call him right now! I can't beleive this is really happening!" I rushed up into my room and got my phone out and dialled Harry's number





"Harry, ohmygod I have just read your letter" he let out a deep chuckle 

"oh really now? and what did you think about my proposition?" I could tell he was smirking on the other line

"Of course you can come to see me! my mum fully approves and I think its an amazing idea! I can't beleive we are actually going to meet! when will you be coming down?"

"well my mum said that I should be down there within the next month or so, she has already spoken to your mum about it and they have set everything up for my trip! only a few more weeks 'till I get to see you in person!"

"haha yes I know I can't wait Harry, but listen I have to go we are just about to have dinner, I will talk to you soon Harry, bye"

"alright bye love, see you in a month"

*end of phone call*

"Come on Hannah! time for dinner!" my mum said from my door "yup coming" 

today could not get better....... I finally get to see Harry.


Hi guys! I hope you liked the first chapter of 'dear darling'! if you did please comment and vote for the story so I know its going well! 

H. xx

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