chapter 2

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Hi. WOW two chapters in one day!? let's just say, i have no life haha. sorry but I'm going to be skipping about a week because i don't want to write out every single day.. read on.

H. xx


"3 weeks, two days" I explained to my friends, we were talking about Harry and when he was coming down to visit. We had decided that since it was summer and very hot that we would all go on a road trip with a group of people down to Shark Bay, a beautiful and secluded beach about 4 hours away. "Wait, who's going to drive, none of us have our P's?" i asked "Well i do know someone...." Jemima replied, o God please anyone but "The one, The only Louis Tomlinson, I know that you two don't really get along Hannah but you're going to have to suck it up for a couple of days or we won't be able to take Harry to the beach!" "fine" i huffed, not very pleased with their choice in a driver. Louis was the oldest boy in our year and was the first person to get his P's, we was a massive joker and enjoyed to play pranks on me, i guess he just likes to see me get wound up..... its not that i don't like him, its just that i think that he is really immature and he can't take anything serious and definitely don't trust him behind the wheel! but i guess we all have to make exceptions for this trip..... "well come on, we better go find Louis" Jemima said while getting up, i followed her through the canteen looking for his signature brown quiff. Just as we were about to give up i felt two arms wrap around my torso and lift me high into the air and spin me around, i started to hit on the persons chest and scream at them to put me down and when they did i got a proper look at their face.... Louis. "Either your getting lighter Hannah or I'm getting stronger!" he said while flexing his muscles "Don't ever do that again Louis! that was stupid i could have gotten hurt!" "Don't worry babe i had you" he replied while winking "Anyway i heard you were looking for me lovely" "yes actually we were" Jemima cut me off before i could reply " We were just wondering if you would maybe want to come on a road trip with us and a group of people? you would have to drive though.." she said with hope in her voice "Ah so the lovely ladies want me to drive them and their little friends around... hmm where are we going may i ask?" this time i got in before Jemima "Shark bay, you know the one on the south coast?" "Ah yes, yes I'm familiar with that one. I've been there with my mates once we-" "OK we didn't ask for your life story Lou we just want to know if you wanna drive us?" i cut him off, He stood there for a good 5 minuted just stroking his chin and looking around humming before he finally spoke "Will Ashleigh be coming?" Louis has a massive crush on Ashleigh and everyone knows.... its kind of sad though she doesn't even look at him..... "Yes she Will be coming, so are you in?" i said while raising and eye brow "You girls have got yourselves a driver!" he screamed making every one turn in their seats to look at us.... great, a whole week with Louis, at least i will have Harry and my friends. "OK now we have Me, Louis, Ashleigh, You, Harry and Katja" i said looking around for more people we could invite, My mum said that we had to have at least 15 people if we wanted to go and we only have 6..... "well i could invite Zayn, Niall and Liam" Katja said, Liam was Katja's boyfriend and she was also friends with Zayn and Niall through him "OK so that makes 9 people, 6 more..." Ashleigh said "Oh i could invite Daniel and Eleanor?" Jemima said, she was on the cheer leading team and they were her two closest friends from there "yep sounds good, i might be able to let my mum let us go with just 12 people, after all Liam will be going, He's mature? right?" i said while watching Liam and his friends tackle each other in the middle of the food hall......

**** (skip the rest of school)

"Hey mum? do you know how you said that we could only go on the trip if we have 15 people?"

"yes Hannah, i am aware of what i said..." she said with a knowing tone

"Weeeellllll can we please go with just 12? Liam will be going and he's really mature! i promise that we will all be OK!"

"I don't know Hannah.... It's a long trip to go on, i just don't want you guys to get hurt..."

"Oh come on mum! shes 17 for Gods sake!" my sister Sabrina cut in, she was always one to go against the rules.... unlike me.

"OK fine, you can your little friends can go on your trip but you have to keep you phone on you at all times and I'm packing you a first aid kit OK?"

"Yes mum! thank you so much!" i said while planting multiple kisses all over her cheeks.

i can already tell this trip is going to be amazing, i have to tell Harry! i grabbed my phone from the bench and dialed Harry's number 





'Hi, its Harry. Sorry i didn't pick up, I must be busy at this moment, leave a message and i will be sure to call you back' voice mail... great i guess i will just have to wait a few hours until i call him back. Just as i was about to put my phone back down it light up with a message from Katja,

Hey Hannah! i was just wondering if you wanted to stay the night at my house, i wanted to get all of the details for the trip ready for when Harry comes :) x

Yea sure, i will just tell my mum now, be there in 15 :* X

"Hey mum, I'm going to Katja's house for the night, is that OK?"

"Yes honey of course it is! when have i ever not let you go to Katja's!? tell her mother i say hi" 

i ran upstairs to go pack my bag and get everything ready, i changed into a pink flowy top that was tucked into some denim shorts and finished it off with some tanned sandals. 

'OK bye mum i will be back tomorrow, Love you!" i shouted as i walked out the front door. Katja only lived a few streets away so i grabbed my bike and started down the street towards her house.

I arrived within 10 minutes and parked my bike in the front lawn and knocked on the door, as soon as my knuckles hit the wood the door burst open to her younger brother Jacob, he was 13 years old and very annoying "Oh look, poo face is here" he said while laughing his head off "Don't be such an idiot Jacob" i said while pushing my way past him up to Katja's room. Her mum stopped me at the top of their stairs and brought me into a massive hug "it's good to see you darling! long time no see, i will have to meet up with your mother soon!" Mine and Katja's mums have been friends since as long as they could remember, we wee just like family "Hello Jan, my mum told me to say hi" i said with a smile. As we were exchanging hello's Katja walked out of her room with a big smile on her face "I thought i heard your voice Hannah! how are you going?" "yea I'm good thanks" i said while hugging her "well come on we have a lot of planning to do! we better get moving if we want everything to be ready in 3 weeks!" That's Katja for you, she is very well structured and likes to have everything planned out to the smallest detail "haha OK then, i guess i will see you around Jan, bye" We walked into Katja's room and sat on her bed just talking about what will be happening and double checking that everyone could go, after we had finished the conversation it was already 9pm! "Come on Hannah, i think mum got pizza" and with that we went downstairs, ate and then stayed up all night just gossiping and watching movies, i'm so glad to have Katja as a friend.


i just wanted to say that this won't be normal, i wont usually update twice in one day, when i get back to school i will try to update every 2 days :) i hope you like my story! vote, comment and fan if you did, much love.

H. xx

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