Chapter 2

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(Okay so this is just going to be carried on from the last part of the story.. so yah) -nothingbutskin xx

to the story aha.


Josh's POV

I ran up to her and grabbed her hand and we interlocked fingers, and ran to my front door. We burst in laughing and all heads turned to look at as. Which made us laugh even louder. We calmed down a bit and I took her over to meet my parents.

"Hi I'm Corlynn, and this is my husband Miles. You must be Kennedy!"

"Hi, nice to meet you, yeah, I'm Kennedy" she smiled

"So, Kennedy are you Josh's gi---" I cut her off.

"oh god. Please just stop mom. Im going to go show her around" I said as I pulled Kennedy into the other direction

I took her to the basment to show her my room. We walked down the stairs still holding hands and swinign out arms like crazy people. We got to the basement and I showed her the recording studio my dad made for me, and then I showed her my room. Luckily I cleaned it before the party and sprayed some febreeze, so you couldnt smell any alchohal or anything. We sat down on the bed and just started laughing about the randomest things. We both got thirsty so I ran upstairs to grab some coke zeros.


Kennedys POV

When Josh ran upstairs to grab us a drink I decided to look around his room, maybe it would help my get to know him a bit better. I looked in his closet and found a wooden box. I ended up opening it, and I found a bag of heroin, a spoon, and piece of rope, and a couple of new needles. At first I was shocked to see it. Then I realized that josh must have something hidden too. Maybe we can help each other to become stronger. But at that moment all I wanted was to be hgh, so I grabbed a new needle, pulled out my lighter from my bra and put some heroin on the spoon and I started melting it. It finally melted and I got the liquid into the need and started wraping the rope around my arm so I could see the veins. I finished tying the rope and heard footsteps. "crap" I muttered. Josh was coming down, I quickly shove the need into my skin and pushed the fluid into my veins. I closed my eyes, and tryed to relax and wait for the heroin to pump through my system. I opened my eyes to see Josh standing in the door frame with his mouth wide open. He ran up to me.

"what are you doing?!" he said sternly

"Sorry josh... I just really needed it."

"Well what were you thinking!! Maybe I wanted to join you!" he burst out laughing see that I looked worried about using his stuff.

I started to giggle and gave him the stuff, and he did the same procedure. We drank our coke zeros, and climbed into his bed and went under the covers. That was the last thing I remembered.

-the next morning-

I woke up to the buzzing of a phone, at first I was confused and didnt know where I was. Then I rolled over and saw Josh right beside me, I almost screamed. Thats when I remembered that I was at Josh's house, I must have fallen asleep last night. I remembered that there was a phone buzzing, so I looked and it was my mom calling me. I didnt want to answer because I knew she was going to be pissed at me.. But whatever. Its nothing new to me.


" sorry mom, I fell asleep at Josh's from his parents house party yesterday."


I hung up and went to the bathroom. I was a mess, my hair was like a fucking birds nest and my eyeliner had leaked all down my face. I quickly washed my face and grabbed my mini brush out of my bag. I quickly brushed my hair and wrote a note to Josh and ran out the door to my house. I ran in through the door, and saw my mom sitting down on the couch waiting for me. She looked angry.


Ella's POV (Kennedys mom)

I woke up earlier than normal. It was probably around 7:30am. I went into Jordans room and saw him sleeping, then I decided to check on Kennedy. I got to her door, and was expecting to her music playing, she cant fall asleep without listening to music. But surprisingly there wasnt any. I opened her door, and walked in. Kennedy was gone. She wasnt in her room. "OHMYGOD WHERE IS SHE?!" I started crying and I guess I woke Jordan up because the next thing I know he is sitting beside me, asking me why Im crying. I told him that I was just sad because I was sick. I wouldnt want to see him cry if I told him kennedy was missing.. I grabbed my phone and started texting her.

'where are you?-mom'

'kennedy?? sweety where are you?-mom'


:'( kennedy im worried are you safe.-mom'

I thought I'd wait an hour, and then try calling her. she probably passed out somewhere.

-an hour later-

I checked my phone and there is no reply from Kennedy. So I call her.

*ring, ring* *ring,ring*

I heard the pick up tone.

"KENNEDY WHERE ARE YOU??!!" I yelled at her

" sorry mom, I fell asleep at Josh's from his parents house party yesterday."


she hung up on me. She better get home soon or shes going to be in big trouble.

I go and sit on the couch and wait for her. About ten minutes later, Kennedy comes rushing through the front door, shes looks like a mess. I told her to go clean her self up then to come back down.


Josh's POV

I woke up and looked at my clock it said 12:00pm. I rolled over expecting to see Kennedy, but she was gone. But there was a note on her pillow. "Josh I am so sorry, I didnt want to leave, but my mom called me and flipped shit. Call me when you wake up.. My mom might have cooled down by now. -Porcelain"

I picked up my phone and called her.


"hey Josh, im guessing you got my note, ahha."

"Yeah, I did.. Are you alright..? What happened?"

"Well my mom was mad because she didnt know where I was but I told her that I fell asleep at you house she kind of calmed down. Luckily im not grounded. I just have a curfew of 12:00am if Im at someone elses house, and 1:30am if its at my house."

"Thats good, wanna come over?" I asked

"Yeah, suure, ill be over in 5"

"Okay" I said and then hung up.

I quickly got dressed and brushed my brown hair. It was getting a bit long. But I'll have to worry about that some other time. I quickly made my bed and then I heard a knock on the front door. I raced upstairs to get it before my parents did. I opened the door to see kennedy dressed in a pair of ripped black skinney jeans and an ACDC concert shirt that she cut into a tanktop. She walked in and we went to my living room and started to watch a movie. Before I knew it we were cuddling on the couch and I could feel her heart beat. After about an hour and a half of cuddling the movie ended and we went down to my room and started talking about the randomest things. We turned on the tv in my room and just relaxed and watched Fear Factor. It was my favourite show. Then kennedy started going through the guide and saw that Paranormal Activity was on so she snuggled up to my and layed her head on my chest and then she turned it on. I could tell she was scared because she kept shaking and she kept squeezing my arm. So i pulled her into a tight hug. We just layed in a hug for almost 10 minutes. Then she looked up into my eyes, I just noticed she had green eyes. They were so beautiful, plus I loved people with green eyes. We just looked at each other until I got such a strong urge, and I just kissed her.

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