Chapter 4

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Josh's POV

I looked over at Kennedy and saw that she was shaking, I gave her hand a tight squeeze and we walked into the rehab center. I opened the big door and let kennedy go first, I got in and looked around. This place was HUGE. We walked up to the receptionist desk.

"Hello, what are your names?" the ladie said cheerfully.

"Im Josh, and this is Kennedy"

"Okay, Josh and Kennedy. Here are your forms. Go sit and fill them out and bring them back to me when you are done."

-Half an hour later-

It took us a bit to fill them out,  and when we handed the forms back to the receptionist she quickly read over them then gave us our room numbers, and our schedules. Our room numbers were 5012 and 506. We went up the elevator to the 5th floor and looked for our rooms, they were right across the hall from each other. Atleast it was better then being on totally different floors. First we went into Kennedys room, and it turns out she has a roomate. I told Kennedy to go start talking to the girl and I would unpack for her. I dont think either of them realized I had left, they were so into they conversation they had.

I hadnt gone into my room yet, and I was kind of worried about if I had a roomate. Its not that I like being alone, Im just used to it. I walked in and there was no one in there so I was pretty excited. I quickly unpack and checked my phone.

'hey where did you go? -Kennedy'

'just to my room, you can come over if you want? :) -josh'

'Okay :), ill just tell Steph that im leaving-Kennedy'

'Is that your roomate?-josh'

'yeah, shes great :) ! -Kennedy'

Before Kennedy cam over I though id take a quick shower, by the time I got out Kennedy was sitting waiting on one of the beds in my room. She looked really exhausted. I got dressed and we decided to go walk around and check the place out. We walked around till around 10:00pm when some of the people that worked there told us that we had to go back to our rooms. We got to our hallway and I kissed kennedy goodnight.  I walked into my room ready to try and fall asleep, when I see some guy and girl making out on the other bed in my room.

"What the hell are you doing?" I half yelled.

They stopped kissing to realize I was there. The girl quickly bolted out the door.

"Thanks for that. She probably wont ever come back her again" said the guy.

"thats not my problem. But who are you and what are you doing here?" I asked him.

"First off my names Jake Anderson and were roomates" He said as he grabbed out him form saying that this was his room number.

"Okay, Well Im Josh, and im going to bed. So please try and keep it down"


Kennedys POV

it was monday morning and it was my first day with classes, luckily me and josh had most classes together, they made us take school classes and then the ones ment for rehab. Me and Josh had 4 out of 8 school classes together, and 2 out of 3 rehab classes together. It was 6:00am and school started at 8:00am I had a shower and started to put my makeup on. I decided not to put any eyeliner on, just some concealer and coral lip gloss. I then straightened my hair and got dressed. I decided to wear my pastel purple skinny jeans, and a white crewneck that said "Monster" on it. I decided to go to Josh's room so we could go to class together. I knocked on the door waiting for Josh to answer. But it wasnt Josh who did.

"Uhm. Hi, is Josh here?" I asked nervously, even though I knew this was Josh's room.

"Uh yeah, who are you? Yenno just so I can tell him who it is." he asked

"Oh im Kennedy. Who are you? ahha"

"Im Jake, pleased to meet you." he stuck out his hand, and I shook it.

Jake let me in and I saw Josh just finishing getting ready. he didnt notice I was there till Jake said I was. It turned out that me, Josh, and Jake all have first class together. So we all went down and picked seats beside eachother. After first class was over we all parted ways and went to our next class, it turned out that Jake was in that class as well, and we really connected, and we made a plan to hangout tomorrow night, just us.

After classes Steph, Jake, Josh, and I all met up and decided to go for dinner. We went to this little restaurant inside the center and ordered some appeys. As soon as steph finished hers she left because her and another friend of hers where going to watch movies all night and just hangout. We had just finished dinner, and me and Jake were planning on staying for a bit just to talk, and it turned out Josh had to go anyways. He had to write a letter to his drug of choice. So he left and it was just me and Jake. We talked for a bit then went to my room because no one else was there. We layed on my bed and put on a movie and started to cuddle. Halfway through the movie we got bored and just started talking about why we were here and just about family and life in general. I was telling him about how my parents got a divorece, and then out of no where he kissed me. And it wasnt like a peck, it was passionate. At first I didnt know if I should go on with this. I know me and Josh arent actually dating yet or anything, we just kissed a little bit. I let Jake kiss me a little bit and I kissed back, but then Jake tried to take my top off and thats when I pulled away.

"Kennedy whats wrong?"

"I cant do this right now Jake. I cant do this stuff with you." I replied

"Why not? are you seeing someone?"

"Its complicated okay?" I said as I walked him to the door.

"Fine, are we still on for tomorrow?" he asked

"Yeah, suree. Now goodbye Jake"

I started to close the door when Jake put his foot in the way. I looked up at him and he quickly gave me a kiss before going into his room. I rolled my eyes and shut the door. I grabbed out my phone and I saw I had a text from Josh.

'hey sorry I left, I didnt really want to but I have to get this done-Josh'

'Its fine... Josh, I have something to tell you-Kennedy'

'are you okay? what is it?-josh''

'Can we talk? Like face to face?-Kennedy'

'sure, do you want to come over here? or..-josh'

'Would you mind coming over here?-kenndy'

'sure, ill be there in a minute-josh'

within seconds josh was knocking on my door. I let him in and asked him to sit down.

"Josh im so sorry, I know we arent dating, but I thought I needed to tell you.. after you left me and jake came here and we were cuddling on the bed watching a movie..and then.. we kissed. I am sooooo sorry.. I told him to stop though and that I couldnt do it. I needed to tell you, and I wish I could take it back.."  I was in tears by the time I finished.

I looked at Josh and his head was down. I could tell he was hurt and sad. How could I be so selfish and do that. He will never forgive me for this.

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