Part 17: Beth

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I walked into the apartment at around three a.m. I tiptoed my way from the door, around the kitchen, and towards the bedroom door. I almost got away with it too. That was until Paul turned the light on from the couch lamp. I jumped in fear. I turned around to see Paul with his legs crossed giving me a stern look.

"Hello darling," I laughed.

"Hey," Paul stood up from the couch. I dropped my purse onto the floor. "It's a little late, isn't it?"

"Eh, been out later mom."

"I usually wouldn't mind, but I heard that you went out side for a bit at the club. Paul started light a cig. "Then Peter presumes to tell me you never came back. So he went out to find you." He crossed his arms with the cigarette barely hanging from his mouth. "You weren't there."

"Oh god," I moaned and picked up my purse. "I'm going to bed." I began to walk away.

"Don't runaway from the conversation." Paul snapped.

"Don't be such a bore." I swiveled my head back and entered the room. I placed my foot into the bed and slowly took off my nylons.

"Where did you go, Ivy? That's all I want to know."

"None of your business." I threw the stockings at him and trotted over to the closet.

"Actually I think it is, I brought you here. I didn't have to, but I did. You're spending my money and living with me."

"Fine," I crossed my arms. "I met a guy." I sat upon the bed with only my bra and underwear on.

"A guy?"

"Very nice chap, stalky build with dark suave hair." I grabbed a cig from my purse now and lit it. "Took me to this music place."

"And left Peter?"

"Peter had his own problems." I took a puff from the cigarette.

"You've really been acting more, I don't know, different since we've got here. I really thought you changed for the better a bit then bam! You're back to your old self."

"I'm sorry, is old me not good enough for hot shot rock n roller." I stood up from the bed and strolled towards him. I blew the smoke into his face. "You begged me to be here, remember that." I walked out of the room and into the kitchen. Paul followed me close behind.

"Can't you just act-"

"Can't you!?" I cut him off. I found the jug of rum in the front cabinet. "Wanna know something?" I poured the rum into a scotch glass. "None of the guys like that manager of yours. They were talkin' and are thinks..."

"Thinking what?"

"Leaving," i took a big swig from the cup then poured some more."

"Bullshit," Paul crossed his arms arrogantly.

"Don't believe me, not my problem. I'm the free-loader anyways."

"No they don't?" Paul questioned on his tone.

"Yep," I slipped the rum into the cabinet and placed the glass in the sink.

"Stop lying!"

"Stop denying!" I screamed back at him.

"I can do what I want!"

"Fuck this," I groaned and stomped over to the bedroom.

"Where do you think you're going?" He rushed behind me.

"Away from this, that manager of yours is gonna fuck all your shit up Paul." I quickly gathered a few things and stuffed them into my leather messenger bag. "You can deny it all you want just don't take it out on me, i won't hear any of it." I slipped on my tattered bell bottoms and green stripped shirt.

"Are you seeing this suave guy?" Pa interrogated as I walked towards the door.

"Why does that matter? It's not like you'd care or something!" I swung open the door. "I'll be back later." I slammed the door behind me.

I kept walking all the way down the apartment complex until I got to the street. People were still rushing to wherever. I joined them, I just walked around. And I kept walking till there was a 24 hour café I found.

I seated myself down and ordered a large black coffee. Disco music played in the lonely place. I leaned back into the wooden chair. My bag sat in my lap with me. I held it tightly between my shaky hands. After a few long minuets a waitress came to me with a hot cup of coffee.

"Thanks," I muttered under my breathe.

"Anytime," she falsely smiled. She paused though, and turned back around. "Are you okay miss?"

"I'm great," I took in a big sip of the coffee.

"Nobody comes here this late at night, even though it's 24 hours." The waitress sat down next to me.

"What's your name?" I straightened up

"Um, Beth." She whispered peculiarly.

"Well Beth, I just got into a fight for being out to late."

"Aren't you..."

"I'm 23, yet I'm treated as 5."

"I'm sure your parents-"

"Friend, I think we're friends anyways."


"Beth, do you have any friends?"

"I mean, I have a few." She twirled a strand of her long curly brown hair.

"You don't seem like the friend type, too shy."


"How old are you?" I leaned forward.


"I remember when I was 19." I took a sip of the coffee. "I'm Ivy," I let out my hand. "We're best friends now."

"Alright," she nodded.

"What time are you off?"

"Um, an hour."

"Great, I'll wait."

"For what?"

"You of course, we're gonna hang out."

"Okay," she giggled and stood up.


"Oh, Beth what can I do?" Beth, by Kiss

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