The Black Dragon's Rider

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Hello my name is Reina Solis and I am sixteen years old. I live in the slums of Kyub, the capital of Syren. I have survived all of my life on the streets. I am an right hand woman for Gunner the head of half of the slums, a third of the market, and part of the docks. Today is the day of the dragon hatching and I have to attend the hatching because all of the heads have to go and assistants will be needed for business afterwords. I am wearing my nicest dress. It is made of silk and is dark blue almost black. It was given to me as a gift from Gunner.

 I walk to Gunners meeting place. I am the first there and sit down next to the fountain waiting for him to arrive. A few minutes later, I sense some one trying to sneak up behind me. I can sense a sort of joking mood about it. I duck just as he tries to tackle me to the ground.

"Nice try, Gunner. You should know after the last five attempts not try anymore," I tell him.

"I thought at some time you would get tired of dodging and just let me tackle you to end the boredom," he replies as he slides his blond bangs out of his blue eyes.

Gunner is twenty and he has been in power for the last three  years. His predessor decided to retire and left his area to fend for themselves and be fed on by the other heads of the lower class people.Gunner took all of the area and has turned it into a better place fewer people are on the streets because he gives them jobs. All of us love him for what he has done but get on his bad side and beware because he can find the cruelest ways to make you suffer.

Gunner walks to the hatching grounds and I follow him on his right side. As his second in command, I have a seat right next to his so we sit down towards the middle as is his station as heads of the lower class. As his right hand and successor, I am of the same class. I prefer the slums because it is there that I grew up and I am the most comfortable there.

A few minutes pass and all of the other people have entered the room. After everyone is seated, the candidates are lead into the hatching ring. I listen to the sounds of cracking of shells. Many people lean forward and watch in complete aw as the eggs start to hatch. I notice that the mother dragon is guarding an egg. Huh that is wierd, they only do that if the egg is a queen or king dragon. Well someone is going to be very important soon. I feel sorry or them who ever they are. The egg the mother is holding begins to crack. I can see a black head before the dragon is surrounded by young candidates. A king, how very nice. I feel very sorry for the kid. People gasp as they see a white head. I look at it and gasp. Oh, lord, a king and queen in one batch. This aught to be fun. I hear a kreening sound and shake my head. It appears that none of the canidates are right for the poor king.

The king roars and moves to walk away from the mother. The mother looks up and searches the crowd. When her eyes land on me, she stops and stares. A dragon rider comes out and looks out over the crowd and spots me. She comes over and stands beside me.

"Come with me, ma'am. It seems that the King shall take no other as his rider," she says to me.

I shake my head to clear it of my confusion and stand up. I follow the woman. I look into the eyes of the king dragon and everything else disappears. I smile as we near him. He moves forward and rubs his head against my leg before clibing up to my shoulders.

'Hello rider,' he says. 'You can talk to me in you mind if you want. You might want to listen to the lady first though.'

"Everyone on this wonderful day we have witnessed the hatching of a new set of king and queen dragons. Some day their riders will marry and become the king and queen of the land.

Congratulations to the new rider trainees and the new king and queen riders," says the mothers rider.

She turns and faces all of us new dragon riders. She smiles and leads us from the room. The group is then taken and divided by their dragons type. The mother dragon's rider keeps me and the prince. She waits until the others have left the room before facing us.

"What is your name lower class girl," she demands of me

"I am Reina and I am not of the lower class thank you. I am the successor of head," I tell her.

"Ha I doubt that. But anyways the both you will have three years to learn everything you need to know about being a dragon rider and a companion to the king/ queen dragon on your own. You both have your own home and are expected to study all day long. Fighting lessons shall be given and you shall bot disgrace the name of King and Queen dragon riders. Is that clear," she demands.

"Yes ma'am," we reply.

"Good your books have been delivered to your homes here in the palace. I expect both of you to both to be ready in three years," she says before taking us to our homes. "On the left is the King Dragon's Rider's home on the right is the Queen's Rider's home, New cothing shall be provided for the both of you."

I nod and enter my new home. By the door is close to a hundred books and tons of paper and ink pens.  I guess that it really is going to take close to three years to learn all of this. On top of one of the book stacks is a paper that has the order in which each book should be studied and by subject.

'Relax you have plenty of time to learn all of this,' says my dragon.

'What is your name,' I ask him.

'Oh my name is Draco,' he replies.

"Oh I am sorry my lady, I meant to have all these books and papers in your study withby the time that you got here," says a maid as she comes running over.

"You mean these are not all of them," I ask.

"No, ma'am there is a total of two hundred and fifithteen books," she replies.

Oh no. Oh no. How can this be? So many books to study and learn most of in three years.

"My lady, my name is Carmen and I shall be your servant until the day you dismiss me," she tells me.

"Hello Carmen. My name is Reina and if you would show me my room I would like to get some sleep please," I ask.

"Of course ma'am," she replies.

Carmen takes me to my room and leaves to finish the work that she was doing before I came. Draco climbs into the bed and waits for mw while I change into a night gown from the wardrobe. I slip quietly into the bed and Draco comes to curl into my stomache. I fall asleep just seconds after we settle down.

Alright guys it is one in  the morning so night good mornignwhat ever falling asleep at this time is called. Bye thanks for reading.

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