Chapter 4: How Time Changes Me

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Hey my readers sorry for the long wait. I had a little bit of writers block for this story. I have been working on finishing The Alpha's Omega book 1. Anyways I plan on making it up with a long(2-4page) chapter. So here we go. There is a small time skip because I do not like to bore people with studies and such things.

Chaper 4: How Time Changes Me

Carmen is  moving around me fastly trying to finish up my outfit. I sigh as I look in the mirror. I am in a floor length black gown. I have a set of golden earings in. My hair is let down and is curly. It is down to my butt. Draco is sitting next to the mirror admiring me. He has grown to where he is half of my height and is twice as long as I am tall. I can tell he is going to be huge. Draco shows his teeth in his usual smile when he hears my thoughts. I smile back as Carmen adds the finishing touches to my ensamble.

"You are ready my lady," comments Carmen.

"You look very nice, Reina. Remember what I taught you and you shall be fine," Silvia tells me with a smile.

"I will. Come on Draco we have to go make our first court apperance," I tell him.

'Fine but if I hate someone can I toast them,' he asks.

"If you want us to be the most hated people in the country curretly," I answer him. "We nees to be careful so that they do not try to use us as a way to get a friend in high places and for more power."

"Very true my lady," Silvia says. 

"I know these things from experience," I remind her as I lead the way to the court.

It has been a year since, Draco first hatched and I have learned the ins and outs of court. I know all the laws some how. They may have thought those of us from the slums could not learn but I was self taught in math, science, philosophy before they found me. Much of what they wanted me to learn in the first year I had already covered back home. I have moved on in the subjects but I am going through them slowly because I started them about two months ago therefor I have more time. When we arrive at the meeting hall, the gaurds open the door and I walk in smoothly with Draco at my side.

The people in the room gasp when they see that the black dragon had not choosen one of their own. I have made my face into a mask. I show no emotion as they whisper thinking that they were not loud enough for m to hear. Most of them are calling me a slut and a whore while others are debating ways to get me to help them advance in the court. I come to a stop before King Leon. I curtsy low as is appropriete for some one of the black dragons rider.

"I see that some little slum girl has taken the spot of  black dragons rider," comments Queen Sarabeth.

'I will not put up with all of you calling my rider a slum girl. I know what the term implies. You think her uneducated before she came here but she is educated you idiots. She bought books to teach herself,' screeches Draco.

I wince and try not to fall to my knees like everyone else in the room except for King Leon. Some people snicker once they stand and hear that I am self-educated. I shake my head at their stubborness.

"Mortuis genry canas avern, Draco(Did you have to do that, Draco)," I demand.

"You speak Cariness," demands a young man who is staring at me who looks like he is personally.

"Begoris anneal, portuna gigala,(For 3 years, I studied the language)," I reply swiftly.

"You speak well for one with only three years of studying and with no teacher. I am impressed. If you would like my kingdom can offer you a place to come when things here turn horrible. I have never met a person here in Darin who willing learned Cariness with no influence at all," says the young man.

"Thank you for the offer Lord. . .," I drop off not knowing his name.

"Lord Kavin is my name. I am the emmbassador here for my country,' he tells me.

"Reina, I am glad you can help build our alliances but I must know that you know how to fight in a battle. Lord Sargein if you do not mind," orders Leon.

A war decorated noble comes forward and comes to stand in front of me. He tries to hand me a sword. I shake my head.

"I thought it would come to this," I answer to the generals  questioning look as I walk to the door and grab my sword from Carmen.

When I come to stand before the general, I have the sword belted to me and bow to Lord Sargein. He returns the gesture and I slide into my fighting stance. Sargein snorts and charges me with his sword raised. I pull my sword out and parry his move with ease. I move out of his way and pat him on the shoulder with my sword as he passes. Sargein turns and charges again. I sweep my leg under him as he gets closer to me. I quickly pin him to the ground and have my sword at his throat with seeming ease. The king claps and everyone else reluctantly does the same. I can feel that Draco is getting smug.

"Okay let the party begin," orders King Leon.

Alright guys that is the end of this chapter I know this is slow right know but it will get better as it goes well bye.

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