Chapther 1: A New School

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   RINGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!! He woken up by his alarm clock. "Stupid alarm clock." Said Elijah. So He got up and turn off his alarm clock and open the window shades and smell the fresh morning sun. Sigh "what a nice day. Wait, why did I had my ringer on?.........  Oh! It's my first day of school." Elijah just remember it was his first day of school and he jumped out of  his tiredness and got ready.

  As he finish putting his uniform and shoes on, he ran down stairs and out of the door. There waiting outside was his two closest friends: Luigi, and Vanoss.

"Good morning guys. Are you ready for school?" Said Elijah

"Let's a go." Luigi said happily.
"Yes." Said Vanoss.
"Ok guys lets go to our new high school!!" Elijah said very excitedly.

As the three boys walk to school, they had enjoyed the fresh air, the birds chirping, and the shining sun. Finally they saw the school.

"Look guys." said Vanoss.
"Here we go." said Luigi excitedly.
"Mushroom kingdom high school. Well this will be a new adventure." Said Elijah.

As the three boys walk to there school, their adventure awaits for them.

High School AdventuresHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin