Chapther 13: The Big News

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Few weeks latter, Elijah was fully healed at home. The next day, Elijah was in his living room watching the cooking channel and his godmother, Mimi, came in and sat next to him.

"Hey honey what are you watching?" Asked Mimi.

"I'm watching Pros VS Cons." Said Elijah in a positive mood.

"Anyways I have great news to tell you."

"We'll go ahead Mimi. Tell me."

"Remember the private school that your mother originally wanted you to be in Saint Timothy in Hawaii?"

"Ohhhh yes Mimi. Why?"

"Well, they called me and they said that they want you to be in. Apparently you were on the list since 8th grade and they have a opening for 10th graders and you were on the list and also, TSA wanted me to be in HNL (Honolulu International Airport) working there. So what do you say."

"Yes. I always wanted to finish high school back there, but I have to tell my friends that I'm leaving. Well I'll tell them tomorrow on the last day of school."

The next day was the last day and Elijah and all of his friends were right at the tree where Elijah had that fight. (To my new readers check chapter 4)

Elijah sigh and tears was falling off his face. All day at school everyone was happy except him. He was a little depress.

"Guys and Ladies, umm I have to tell you something. This is the last time that you will be seeing me."

Vanoss was curious. "Why?"

"I'm moving back to Hawaii and finishing my high school years at Saint Timothy. I'm both happy and sad. The happy part is going there, but the sad part is leaving you guys."

First it was silence, then all of them hugged Elijah and he was getting very teary.

"Don't worry bro." Said Luigi.

"Every thing will be alright back in Hawaii." Said Alexis wiping her glasses.

"So fear not my Awesome Explorer. You will find new adventures back home." Said Miniladd.

"Elijah you are known as a very happy, positive, and a great leader kid. Please have those traits back in Hawaii and always keep in touch back here and don't worry we will visit there." Said Vanoss.

Elijah smiled and said their final goodbyes and he walk back home.

"Well that's everyo- Uh-oh."

Of course Elijah forgot to say goodbye to Miyako. When he arrived home, she was there. On her porch steps sitting down and was very depress. So Elijah came up to her and when she saw him, she jumped up and first gave Elijah a big and long hug and a kiss on the cheek. Elijah was blushing lightly pink and smiles.

"So, is this really goodbye Elijah?" She asked

"Yea Miyako, but I'll visit soon and if anything Vanoss and Luigi are here to stay if you want company."

"Well.. Thank you for this school year and I'll see you very soon."

She hugged him one more time and ran back in the house.

Elijah said to himself "Thank you everyone for everything.."

He sighed and went back inside and getting ready to leave tomorrow.

Hey guys. Well sadly one more chapter and the story is over. Fear not part 2 will be coming soon. And also in this chapter I have a few reference that is happening I'm my life.Well that's all for now. The next chapter I will finish tomorrow or this week. One or the other. I'll put a update on that. One last thing, thank you for all of the support for this story!!


P.S. The reference that I'm talking about. Some people will know.

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