Red Bird S.E.N.P.A.I Robin P.O.V

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Robin was in a match with Roy, and he really wanted him. "I'd like to take that to my room..." Roy looked at him curiously. Robin took out the Levin sword and used one of its tips to cut Roy's arm a little. "Ow! What are you-" Robin grabbed Roy's bloody arm and dragged him to his room. He used a little bit of rope he had found to tie Roy's hands together. "H-hey!" "Shut up." A tear formed in Roy's eye. "Now, I get to play with you..." Robin tore off Roy's clothes. Roy started crying. "I don't want this!" Robin roughly kissed him anyways. He shoved his tongue into Roy's mouth. "Trust me, you do." Robin forcefully made out with Roy. When they broke apart, a string of saliva hung in the air between their mouths. Robin didn't give Roy any time to breathe. He kissed him again. He moved down to Roy's neck, leaving plenty of bruises and marks on him. Robin licked on Roy's neck. He made out with Roy, tilting his chin up a bit with his hand. Roy used his feet to kick him away. Robin moaned, pleased with what Roy had done for him. "I don't want this! And I don't want you!" Robin looked displeased. "You what?" "I don't love you! I love someone else!" "And who is it?" Roy hesitated a little. "M-marth." "Him?! How could you love him?! And not me?! I'm ten times the man he is! All he has is a fancy sword and tiara! I have much more than that!" Robin got up and left the room. He walked in the direction of Marth's room, before putting a piece of tape over Roy's mouth. He grabbed his sword and went after Marth. Roy screamed. "No! Don't hurt him!" He started crying again. His tears spilled on the wooden floor. Robin was at Marth's door. He knocked it down, and walked over to his bed. "Hey, Robin. What are you doing here this late-" Robin sliced open Marth's neck. His body fell to the ground. After hearing the thud of the body hitting the ground, Roy screamed. Tears poured out of his eyes. Robin walked back to his room. He ripped the tape off of Roy's face. "How could you?! Why did you do that?! I loved him!" "But now you can love me." Robin sat next to Roy. Roy pushed him away. Robin looked at him hurtfully. "Fine." He grabbed his sword and slit Roy's throat. "If I c-can't h-h-have you, nobody can." Roy sat there, bleeding. His eyes were almost lifeless, and then Robin raised his sword to his own throat. He sliced it open, and sat next to Roy in his puddle of tears and blood. "At least I can die with you, senpai." And then they both went limp and lifeless, for someone else to find.

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