Out Of His League

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     My name is Kylie Thomas. I guess you could say i'm in the popular group. I'm a cheerleader and i have a lot of "friends". Yes, I put quotations around "friends" because i'm not always sure if they are always there for me. People say i'm attractive, but I don't really see it. I'm 5'4, I have blonde hair, and I have blue eyes. I would say I have a lot of different opinions, but i'm not that open about them. I usually just go with the crowd.

      It was another Monday morning and I did not want to get up. My dad kept yelling at me to get up and get ready for another ordinary day at school. I went down stair to find my dad cooking me breakfest. That's what my mom used to do for me, but she passed away three years ago when I was thirteen. She was my bestfriend, my rock. She always knew how to handle situations and would give me the best advice. I could tell her everything, we had a very special relationship. But, My dad is trying his best to play both roles and i'm very proud of him.

     I finally arrived at school in my worn-out jeep and went to find my friends before class. My friends, Alina, Nikki, and Maddy , were all standing around the popular guys, Chris, Joey, Sam, and Dylan. My friends would always be flirting no matter what. Alina likes Chris, Nikki likes Joey, Maddy likes Sam, and I was supposed to like Dylan. None of us were dating but that's what was supposed to happen. I didn't like Dylan like I was supposed too. He was always talking about himself and how many touch-downs he had made at the last football game. I can not stand someone who is cocky. Especially not date them.

     I made my way to my first period class, which was pre-algebra. Eck. I hated this class only because I was not very good at math. I was more of a literature and art person. at least my friends were in this class. I sat down in my regular seat and was prepared to have another regular day. My teacher, Mr. Pratt, always started the class with announcements about upcoming tests and other things like that. But, today was different. Mr. Pratt was almost five minutes late for class, which is unsual becaus ehe is normally always early and writing our bellwork on the board while we walk into the classroom. Eventually, he walked in. But, this time he had a boy our age with him.

     This boy that Mr. Pratt had brought in the class was tall, and his brown hair glistened and complemented his blue eyes. He was wearing a Ramones t-shirt and loose skinny-jeans. He looked around the class shyly and Mr. Pratt started to speak but I was'nt paying attention because I was too engaged with this new boy.

     "...Zach you can have a seat in the front row." Mr. Pratt finished off. This boy was joining our class? I guess that's what I missed while I was studying the new boy. But, I could hear my friends next to him calling him names and making fun of him.

   "What a fag, he won't fit in." I heard Dylan say. Another reason I don't like him, he is a complete jerk. My friends were of course agreeing and making fun of the new boy, Zach. "Kylie, why do you keep looking at that new freak?" Dylan said to me.

     "Oh, I was looking at his shirt. That band is so uncool and old. I'm pretty sure that's what my dad listens to." They all laughed, but I actually like that band to be honest. His style is cool and different. But, I can't tell that to my friends. They would make fun of me too and I wouldn't be able to hang out with them. Why was I so intrigued with this new boy?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2013 ⏰

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