Entry #2

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The air in the hallway smells of a new beginning; and as cliche as that sounds, it was the utter truth. Opening my locker, I smiled into my cheap, plastic mirror I tried to spice up my locker with. I had survived the horrible hell that was middle school. The struggle of being the fifth grade new kid, the sixth grade smart alec, the seventh grade pusher, and the eighth grade confuser was behind me. Because this was high school and high school was a clean slate. I could start my life over and run it the way I want to. I can stand up to bullies and weird teachers and show them my voice. Closing my locker I turn around to look at the many people coming into the freshman locker area. The squeals of hellos and talks of summer vacation fill the air making me smile. I turn to the corner near me and there they are; my crazy hilarious group of friends who have stuck with me since 5th grade. Though we've fought a couple times, we all forgive each other in the end. They all smile at me and wave me over.

I walk over to them thinking, "This year is gonna be great after all." I walk over and sit down in the small circle they'd created.

"Hey Sam. What's up?" asks Carmen. Carmen was my closest friend out of the whole group. We met in fifth grade, back in the old days when our small little group was made of only three. Just me, Carmen, and a girl named Krystal, but sadly Krystal left after 6th grade so it was just Carmen and I for a while until we expanded our duo. You would think with Carmen and I, we would be the bestest of friends and have all these inside jokes and stuff; but looking back on it all, we didn't really have any. I mean in sixth grade we were obsessed with two book characters, but the was kinda the peak of that time. Because Carmen had been the one that started those fights I was talking about. From a mis read email (which I'll admit was really my fault) to the silent treatment for mentioning a personal issue I was having. Yeah, for a whole month Carmen didn't talk to me because I "offended" her. I mean I told her the truth about why I said that so many times, yet she only talked to me after I "admitted" I wanted to seem better than her...which was 100% untrue. So Carmen and I were on a scale that either tipped one way or the other, but I had to hang on to her. Who else would I have then?

"Nothing much actually," I said.

"Really? Nothing at all?" Nicole said. Nicole was the perky little light of our group. Having being the last to join our group, she linked all the happy times together always trying to make every event happy and comical. No one would ever think this would lead to consequences. No one would ever suspect the happiest of comments would lead to a big fight.

"No Nicole she's floating around in space," said Angela. Easiest way to describe Angela? She was often unpredictable. Many people saw her one way; they understood her jokes, were close friends with her, things like that. However, there were other people who didn't understand the jokes and sarcasm. That's how the arguments started and the downfall was revealed.

"Knock it off you guys. So Sam, are you joining the musical again this year? Please don't leave me on my own," said Julia. To be honest, I don't have a bad thing to say about Julia. She of course was part of our group, yet she had never done anything bad; past, present, and future. Julia even found it uncomfortable to say a simple bad word. I often wished we were as close as Carmen and I, but I didn't want to separate out the group. 

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