Entry #3

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"Well I'm off to history class. I'll see you guys later," I say walking down the hallway. Ugh AP World History. The bane of society. At least I can write.....

 History class. The worst mistake of my life. I mean I like history and I love the subjects, but this class is so boring I find myself getting ahead in the notes just to keep myself entertained. I mean, I get that my teacher wants us to know how all this information connects to things in our life now and things in other eras of history. Yet, do we really have to spend a whole class period about how trade in Imperial Rome connects to the analogy of jumping out of a plane for $1,000,000. I just want to get out of this class. Like, when I mean I want to get out of this class, I mean I want to shoot myself in the head and fall out of a window. If I ever commit suicide in life, my letter will be a full out essay explaining how AP World History forced me to die. I mean, I try to pay attention. I have ADHD so staying focused on things like history class is hard. At least I don't go on Tumblr or do something else for the rest of class. Yes, hello, I can see you person sitting in front of me. I can see you editing your fancy, french tumblr blog while you videotape the whole class secretly on your laptop so you can watch it back later. Remember, I'm in those video too, and technically you're taking a video of me without my consent. I could send you to court, so just try me. Sigh, I hate this class. Not just because of the whole boring, note taking thing, but because everyone in this class has a friend. So in our tiny history class with an odd number of people, I'm the one with no one sitting next to me. I mean hello, I've known you people for freaking six years yet none of you want to sit with me in a dumbass history class? Seriously, even on days when someone is absent and there is a seat free they sit as far away from me as possible. I don't get it, people just don't understand what I'm saying or trying to do. My parents are constantly yelling at me, yet this year it's not about lying to them about grades. Yes, I lie about grades, but only because I'm afraid of their reactions. This year, it's all about being social and them yelling at me for all the reasons I don't have "friends" or even parties to go to on the weekend. Well here's a message to parents. I don't hang out with the people you want me to hang out with because their idea of a party or dance is wearing spandex and a tank top or sweatpants and a sports bra and search around for the perfect guy to hook up with. Seriously, that has happened so many times my head spins when trying to count. Even one of my friends was peer pressured into kissing a guy just because "those girls" wanted her to. What a lousy way to give a kid their first kiss. Poor little freshman. I, on the other hand, am smart enough to avoid their manicured claws and lululemon sports bras. Though those bras are pretty comfy... Gah! The bell! AMEN HISTORY IS OVER!!!! Now I gotta go meet with a teacher for chem and correct a test. I swear to christ if my teacher says goodbye to me when I walk out this classroom door I am going to flip a shit. Every, single, class, he says that. It drives me up a mother freaking wall. You are not a parent or an elementary school teacher. Quit saying that to us all...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2016 ⏰

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