Cracked phone

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You had finally updated your phone from the iPhone 5s to the iPhone 6 plus and you had not put it down since were always on it every single second of everyday 24/7.You would constantly bump into things and trip and fall but you got back up and continued back to your phone.

One day you had just came back from the gym and of course you were on your phone.Justin was walking towards the door to go get the mail when you both crashed into each other and your phone dropped and you heard this really bad cracking sound.Screaming you threw punches at justin and yelled at him for not looking where he was going.Finally he garbed your wrist to get you to stop punching him."Y/N clam down please because your punches hurt like a mother fucker and how are you yelling at me when your the one whose nose is stuck in their phone 24/7."Justin looked at you waiting for you to answer but you ignored him and went to pick up your phone.When you did you saw that it was cracked really bad(phone in the media)You started to scream and cuss Justin out.When you finally calmed down you ran to put your shoes back on and garbed your keys.

"Y/N,Y/N where are you going" Justin yelled as he chased after you out the house.You gave him the really nigga look and he looked at you just dumbfound."I'm going to get my phone fixed dumb ass".He was about to respond when you hopped in the car and drove off leaving A still dumbfound Justin.

A/N:hey guys😃😃 that was my first time writing something and I think I did okay.I mean it was kinda hard coming up with this idea but then I saw my cracked iPod on my table and it was like a light bulb went off lol(not that it happens much anyway) but I really wanna hear y'all feed back and tell me some ideas of what to do next😃😃.
Bye babies❤️❤️❤️


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