Chapter 1

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Ridley's POV 

I guess time didn't matter to some people. It was a romantic thought of time standing still and being with your loved ones forever but as always time is heartless and takes your loved ones from you. I knew this feeling all too well. My grandparents were dead, uncle, eldest brother. I would like to say that the deaths of my family didn't mess me up but that wasn't exactly the truth. I had moved from LA originally where I lived until I was 13, then New York until I was 15 and now I was finally, hopefully in my last place before college. Lima, Ohio. My cousin Sam had gone to this amazing school called McKinley high. Of course he was in NYADA, New York now. Just me my mom and my aunt living in a small house. Maybe I should get back to what was going on. I had my arms wrapped around Sam. It was his Dad's, my Uncle's funeral. Natural causes, heart failure. A black wooden coffin being lowered into the ground. I tried to pay attention but I found it easier to cope by distracting myself, I had had a lot of practise at shutting myself off. Sam was sobbing all the way through, this was the first time I had ever seen Sam cry. I wrapped my arms tighter around him.  

"Remember, Blue skies Sammy blue skies" I whispered to him. We always said blue skies when either of us were sad. It reminded us that life went on whether you were sad or happy. Sam turned around and hugged me. My name is Ridley, I am 16, about to start my Junior year. I have brown hair, piercing green eyes and according to everyone I was the biggest bitch they had ever met.


That was first ever time in Lima and it would become a bad memory. Later that week we were sitting in Sam room. Sam in grey trackies and a vest top. I was in my BPHS(Beckett's Peak High School) sports hoody and denim shorts. Sam was lying on Blaine, his boyfriend's chest. We were watching 'Grease 2'. I was lying on a pillow.

"So, are you excited for starting at McKinley tomorrow? I heard that it's a whole new facility, completely state if the art" Blaine enquired trying to start conversation.

"I would rather be at NYADA with you two this year" I moaned. Blaine laughed.

"You only have two more years" Sam added. I snorted.

"It's still two years" I pointed out gripping the pillow tighter.

"It's all about making a statement" Sam explained.

"Please it's me. I always make a statement" I snapped standing up on the bed and started jumping around. Sam cracked a smile.

"Holy shit a smile from Sammy Evans, alert the media" I shouted before starting do backflips.

"It creeps me out how flexible you are" Sam moaned. Blaine kissed Sam's forehead.

"He isn't that flexible" Blaine laughed as he began to twist Sam's hair between his fingers. Sam rolled onto Blaine's body.

"You haven't seen him when he dances" Sam explained. I jumped back onto the bed next to the two of them.

"Well I am going to get some sleep. I have to convince a whole school that I'm better than them tomorrow" I explained. Both Sam and Blaine laughed as I left the room. Today was difficult. I know that Sam wouldn't show his feelings again for a long time but I had to get ready for tomorrow.

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