Chapter Six

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Chapter 6

When I entered the house I couldn’t help but shiver at the eerie feeling, as if someone had snuck into the house and was possibly watching me at this current moment. I look up the hallway, my grip tightening around the door knob as I stood in the hallway. Goosebumps began to rise on my skin and I reluctantly let go of the door knob, rubbing my hands together.

“Melody, are you ok?”

I look over my shoulder at Holly who stands behind me, peering into my house over my shoulder. I nod my head, “just fine.” I mumble.

I had barely known Holly for a whole day but I had grown quite fond of her, same goes for Avery. The two were complete opposites, but somehow were the best of friends. Avery was out-going and crazy while Holly was friendly and mature. Throughout the day I was able to learn more about them all. I found Hunter was more of the kind and gentle twin, while Chase was like the male version of Avery, out-going and crazy. Jason was rather friendly, but he had this serious air to him…

“Come on in.” I say, stepping aside to let both Holly and Avery enter.

As they enter I can’t help but notice Holly’s stiff form, her eyes widen slightly and she appears to be sniffing the air. I close the door after the two have entered, and I slip out of my shoes, dropping my bag on the floor beside my shoes. “You can leave your shoes and bags here.” I tell him, gesturing towards where I had left my stuff.

I walk past the two girls, and down the hallway. When I enter the kitchen I instantly head over to the cupboard, “anything in particular you want to eat?” I ask, as they enter the kitchen.

“Anything is fine.” Holly answers, sitting on a stool and looking around the room.

I rummage through the cupboard, eventually finding a large packet of Doritos. I hold it up and instantly see Avery’s face brighten up.

I open the packet, placing it on the table. I lean against the counter, reaching into the packet and grabbing out a chip.

“So Melody, you live here with just your mum?” Holly asks me, glaring at Avery who is shoving her face with food.

“Yeah, just me and my mum.” I answer, plopping the chip into my mouth.

“What about your father?” Avery speaks up cautiously, having stopped shoving food into her mouth. “I mean, if you don’t want to talk about it, its fine. But I was just curious.” She rambled on after. Even after knowing her for one day, it was a little weird to see her so nervous about a simple question.

I wave off Avery’s nervous rambling, “its fine Avery.” I tell her, rubbing my arm. “I never knew my father. Mum always told me he died before I was born, she’s never told me anything about him.” I say, trailing off slightly and lowering my gaze to look at my hands. “The only thing I can really assume is that he had blue eyes.” I add after a few moments of silence.

Holly gives me a sympathetic smile, leaning across the counter and rubbing my hand, trying to provide some sort of comfort.

I smile back at her.

When I look over at Avery I find her looking around the room, her green eyes widened slightly, and if I didn’t know any better, it looked like they had become a couple of shades lighter. My eyebrows furrow together in confusion as I watch Avery turn to look at Holly. Their eyes clouding over with a distracted look.

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