Chapter 1

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♤♤♤ Maddison♤♤♤
I was awoken by car doors slamming, I looked at the beautiful brick house in front of me. The memories came flooding in. Every morning when I passed this house, my mother would sigh and dream of when they would own it. One morning when we passed the house and there was a for-sale sign, my mother and father quickly gave an offer and bought the house. I knew I would be going to the same school but everything else will be different. My room, my walks from school, and my neighbors. Neighbors. The word went through my mind again before I was knocked out of my trance. "Maddison, get your bags and go check out your room!" My mom says, as she smacks her wrists together. This was something she did when she was excited. I grabbed three bags that contained obvious necessities.
● My laptop
○ A big warm sleeping bag
● A lamp
○ The book I am currently reading
● three outfits for the days before I get unpacked
○ A full package of oreo cookies.

I walked into the house and decided to check out my room before anything else. I ran up the stairs (which were right there when you walked in the door) went down a hallway and to the right. The door to my room was white, and seemed well, obviously.... normal. I walked in my room and immediately went to my window. Great. I thought, there was a tree separating ours and the neighbor's yard, and there was a single branch connecting my, and one of the neighbors windows. He or she better not be a stalker. I looked farther out the window and saw the moving van pulling in and I sprinted over to it.

I saw the moving van pull in and a girl sprinting over to it and I rolled my eyes. My last neighbors were sucky and I was expecting these ones to be just as bad. As far as I could tell, there was a mom, a dad, a little girl, and a girl probably about my age. My mom called me down and I was immediately disgusted. My mom and dad were dressed... nice, like something they would wear for work. My little brother had on a button shirt and a tie. I, on the other hand was wearing grey sweatpants and a sweatshirt. "If you think I'm gonna change, you're dead wrong" I said slipping on my sandals. My mom kind of chuckled and rolled her eyes playfully. That's why I love my mom. She gets me. We walked out my door after my dad grabbed some cookies from the counter. Cliché in my opinion. We approached the family and the teen immediately stopped bouncing. "Hi! My name is Rochelle, this my husband Jack, and my two sons, Jasper and Christopher." My mom said cheerfully "Chris." I corrected with a smirk. The mother seemed over joyed to meet new neighbors, quickly introduced her family. "Hi! My name is Loise, this is my wonderful husband Rick, my two daughters Clarice and Maddison." The lady said gesturing to her to kids who looked extremely similar. After talking for a minute (the parents did most of the talking) Maddison (I think that was her name maybe) made eye contact with me and then quickly looked away. Hopefully she's not a stalker.

Hey guys! Hope you like my story!!!

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