Chapter 9

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"What?!" I shrieked, probably louder than I have ever shrieked. My mother put her hand on my shoulder and my father looked like he was trying very hard to hold in a laugh. "Honey, I know you are not happy with Christopher staying, but we have to be good neighbors. And," -she leaned in close- "you and Christopher have to be close some how. Christopher's  mom and I have agreed that you to would make a great couple." She gushed. "Mom!" I shrieked, yet again. She laughed and walked over to my father. She blushed when he looked at her, and they hugged like old people. It was so cute. There was a knock on the door and I ran to get it. My little stupid mind thought it might be someone more exciting. Christopher Robertson.  He smirked. "Hey there Baby Doll."

Despite my own feelings, I let Chris into my humble abode. I gave him a small tour, scowling the whole time, and finally showed him the room he'd be sleeping in. "Awww, Baby Doll, I was hoping I could sleep with you." Christopher said with his prize winning smirk. "Yeah right." I said, even though I was hoping I would come up with a better comeback. I crossed my arms to finish off the devious look. He scanned over my body, going from my feet, all the way up to the top of my head. He stepped a little closer, still scanning over my body. He kept scanning me, until I was finally backed up against the wall and he was about six inches away from me. "Hey, my eyes. Here." I said, pointing to my eyes. He blushed a cherry tomato red, and smirked, yet again. I huffed and stomped back to my room.


I gotta admit, Maddison's house was really nice. She gave me a tour, which was really kinda cute. AHH CHRISTOPHER, DON'T SAY THAT. She brought me up to my room after that, which was also nice. "Awww Baby Doll, I was hoping I could sleep with you." I smirked. "Yeah right." She replied, with a shaky voice. I looked at Maddison. Really looked at her. She had beautiful red hair, and the brightest blue eyes I have ever seen. She had what seemed like millions of freckles, in her pajama shorts, I could see her long beautiful, and gorgeously tan legs. I wanted to look away, I really did. I couldn't. "Hey. My eyes. Here." She pointed to her eyes, trying to look mean, and I tried my hardest not to laugh. I smirked, I guess it was just natural, and she stomped to her room. I laughed, and threw my stuff into my room. Maddison was obviously touchy, so I decided to head downstairs. "Hello, Mrs. Howell, Mr. Howell, thank you again for letting me stay." I said with an innocent smile. "Oh honey, of course." Mrs. Howell said, waving me away. A little girl walked in, Stared at me, and then walked back out. She looked just like Maddison, it must've been Clarice. I studies Mrs. Howell and Mr. Howell for a minute. Mrs. Howell had fiery red hair, same as her daughters and a very joyous face. Mr. Howell had a face that seemed hard and emotionless, he had black hair, which made him the black sheep of the family (see what I did there? Black sheep? Black hair?) Mr. Howell shook my hand, with much hesitation and an elbow from Mrs. Howell. Mr. Howell walked out and basically threw himself on the armchair, followed by Clarice, who tackled him. "So, you like my daughter don't you?" Mrs. Howell asked, as if my liking for someone was completely casual. "Um- er, well..." I kind of said, and I could feel red climbing up to my cheeks. "Well, she is very beautiful, and kind, and she has a great sense of humor." I said with a soft voice.  I heard pounding on the stairs, and immediately snapped back into reality, a reality where Maddison didn't like me, and I don't like her. Maybe.


After I went into my room and had a blush attack, I decided I was super hungry. I started to walk down the stairs when I heard Chris's voice. "Well, she is very beautiful, and kind and she has a great sense of humor." I could practically hear his blush. I suddenly remembered that I was completely visible from where they were standing, and I sprinted up the stairs.

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