Chapter 6

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I was pretty excited to go to Max's party, and I was really hoping it would be better than Nelson's. Nelson's party was terribly bad. There were only four girls, all of which were in the chess club. I don't know how I found out about this party, I literally hated chess.

I put on dark jeans and a graphic tee, along with some Converse shoes. I escaped my mother's horrible tuna casserole just in time.

I arrived at the ginormous house at 10:00, and was greeted by half drunk teens, dancing in the least appropriate of ways.

I went inside, grabbed a drink, and smirked as I watched girls wearing hardly anything dancing the night away.

I had only two drinks, which was extremely surprising for me, and I was talking to Max.

"This party is sick isn't it?- You know what? I think I'm gonna be sick." A very drunk Max said, and he bent over to empty his insides. "Yeah it is." I said back, not really concentrating. "You are my best friend." He slurred, putting his arm around my shoulder. "You are my best friend too." I said back, and I decided to walk away from that drunken situatuon.

I walked over to the dance floor and saw Maddison, drunk as hell stumbling to stand on a coffee table. "CALLIE, DAHLIA WHERE ARE MY BITCHESSS?!"  She yelled, which made me double over in a girlish giggle fit. I didn't know her that well, and she would be pissed if she found out, but I had to help her. I walked over to the table and lifted her off, and carried her upstairs to the guest room I usually stay in. I layed her down, and looked at her beautiful face and red hair. "How many drinks have you had Maddison?"  I asked, and she held her hand up to show five. "Hey, can butterflies be drunk? Oh, what about cupcakes can they be drunk Mr. I don't know your name?" She asked as she waved her hands through the air. "I don't know," I grumbled, and she finally went to sleep.

I was awoken by an extremely loud scream. I snapped awake, and I saw Maddison sitting up in the bed.

"Wh-what are you doing? Did we have sex?"

I wish

"You wish."

"No, I don't. I barely know you."

She"s not wrong. I barely know her I do not have a crush on her.

"There she goes again."

She scoffed, grabbed her heels, and left the room. I decided it was probably about time for me to go home, so I grabbed my things and headed outside. I saw lots of people on the front lawn, passed out. I decided to help a few out. I grabbed the arm of a few, not bothering to look at their faces. I put them in the back seat of my car and asked one of them where they lived.

"434 Jackson Road." He mumbled so quietly that I almost didn't hear it. I drove him to his house and watched him walk in.

"What about you?" I asked the female in the back.

"You know my address Chris." She said, and I realized. In the back seat of my car was my ex girlfriend Cassie. I nodded and started to her road.

"I saw you take that girl up to a bedroom last night." Cassie said. I gripped the steering wheel tighter and looked in the rear-view mirror. "And..." I said, with fury in my voice.

"Did you have sex?" She asked, like it was the most casual thing in the world.

"God No! I barely knew the chick!" I found myself repeating Maddison's words.

"I was just helping her out Cassie, besides you don't control me."


"No. Here is  your house, now leave."

"Thanks for the ride." She mumbled, and she left. 

I ran my hands through my hair, which has always been a habit for me. I finally drove away, and to my house. I was pacing through my room and trying not to think about anything from last night pr this morning. I couldn't believe that Cassie thought we had sex. I wondered who else thought the same.

"Chris!" I heard my little brother Jasper call my name. I jogged down the stairs and pulled him into a noogie. He laughed, and pulled away, grinning like a fool. I crouched down so I was at eye level and so I could properly hear him. He cupped his hand to my ears and whispered real sweetly. "I am in love with the girl next door." I stepped back a little, "Really?" He nodded his head and I picked him up, as he laughed his head off.

"Go watch some cartoons." I pushed him off to the living room as he giggled furiously. I ran up to my room and looked out the window at a little girl playing in the mud out front. She was definitley Jasper's age, and she looked just like a mini-Maddison.


I got back from my walk with the girls and Mike at 3:00 pm. I ran up to my room and flopped down on my bed. I felt like I had gotten no sleep yesterday, and we had school tomorrow. I groaned, because I forgot about an English paper that was due... You guessed it, tomorrow. I grabbed my computer, and much to my dismay, started typing away. (Hey, that rhymes!)

It was Monday. Monday is a horrible day. I didn't want Monday to exist, but I guess without Monday I would just hate Tuesday. I pulled on some skinny jeans and my Avengers graphic tee, along with a pair of Vans. I practically skipped out the door, only to be greeted by an unusually happy Callie. She smiled at me as she was rolling along on her skateboard. She smiled even wider and handed me a board of my own. I groaned, but stood on the board anyway

"You know how to ride, come on." I nodded, and pushed off the road as I zoomed along the road. I was giggling so hard that I was afraid I would fall off my skateboard. I maintained my balance pretty well, until we got to The Hill. The Hill is a ginormous hill in our town, named by some pretty uncreative kids.

"Are you serious?" I shouted. Callie shrugged, and pushed off the road, and I reluctantly did the same. The Hill is very steep, which actually makes it really fun to ride on. I was screaming and lauging the whole way down.

"Wasn't that fun?" Callie asked.

"I'm not sure. Why don't you ask my stomach, I left it up there somewhere."  Callie giggled at my comment and we continued our journey to school.

Hey Guys!  Sorry for the boring and kinda dumb chapter. This is mostly a filler and kind of a character builder for Chris. Hope you enjoyed!


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