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[I just wrote this right now. I felt inspired to write about something that happened to me today. I got the feels back for the guy that I liked last semester. It just sucks liking someone you can't have. It really hit me today and has been bothering me all day. I hope that if you're in a similar situation as me, that this poem may help you. It's a bit depressing, but it's a realization that I have, that I can't get too ahead of myself. So, that should be the key for all of us really. But anyways.... I hope you enjoy this! :)]

The touch of your gentle lips

They graze the cherry red tint of my mouth

Feels so warm,

Feels so soft.

It just all seems too real,

so happy.

My eyes flutter open.

The realization hits me,

that I was right,

that if it's too real,

it's not happening.  

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