Part 10: William

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There was a clang as the swords connected, sending a rattle down Will's forearm. The other boy staggered back, put off balance. William deftly struck the boy's wrist with the flat of his blade, sending the boy's sword from his hand. He quickly stuck the point of his blade beneath the young man's throat.

"I yield," The boy said quickly, clearly afraid.

Will removed his blade from beneath the young man's throat and stepped back.

"Haha! You are unstoppable one on one, but can you best three of my initiates? Only the toughest for our King," said the master-at-arms. His name was Wallace Thorne and had insisted Will join in on the training session. He had already put him through four duels and Will had had enough. He didn't understand why the man was testing him that way.

"Are you not so brave as to fight me yourself? Instead you send these young men into fights you know they cannot win? Is this entertaining to you? Do you lack honour, sir?" Will said, angry and fed up.

The master-at-arms glared down at him. He was a foot and a half taller and twice Will's width. He carried a broadsword at his hip. For a regular man, it would have been slung across his back. The giant man tugged at his coarse black beard. It was the only hair he had on his head, for his scalp was bald.

"Insolent child! How dare you address a Knight with such a tone!" The man paused for a moment, thinking. "If you wish to duel me, so be it," He said, drawing the broadsword from his hip. It gleamed in the sunlight, reflecting light into Will's eyes.

They had been practicing with blunt blades, and that is what Will held in his hand. He did not even have a shield. It seemed Thorne did not care as he began to charge towards him. All Will could do was ready himself, and try not to get hit.

The giant blade swung down for him, he sidestepped, letting the blade fall into the dirt. He tapped Thorne on the back with the side of his blade. The man growled in anger and swung at him again. This time Will parried but the force of the blow sent them both staggering back.

When Will regained his balance he pressed the offensive, sending a flurry of blows at Thorne. The big man did a good job of parrying and dodging. Will was surprised. He guessed that was why he was the master-at-arms.

Thorne swung his broadsword at Will once more, and Will ducked beneath it. He could feel the whoosh of air as the blade passed over his head. From his position he had a good shot at the man's legs. He lashed out with his blade, striking the man's shins with the blunt sides of his sword. The big man let out a cry of anger and pain and swung down with his blade. It nicked the top of Will's shoulder as he dove out of the way.

Will stood quickly, sword up and in front of him. He could feel the warm blood slowly trickling from the gash on his shoulder. It was a long cut, but not deep, at least from what he could tell by how much pain he felt. 

"So, you can bleed. Do you yield?" Thorne said, mockingly.

"It is but a  scratch from that oversized butter knife you call a blade. And I will not yield as long as I stand," He said firmly.

"Then let me help you with your legs," Thorne said as he began a downward swipe at Will's knees.

William stuck out his blade to block the blow, but sidestepped as well, just in case he was not strong enough to stop Thorne's swing. The blades clanged against each other and Thorne staggered forward as Will dodged. He had to take advantage and end it, he thought. 

He slashed behind the big man's knees and then brought the blade down hard on his shoulder. Thorne fell, his knees hitting the ground hard. Will quickly ran in front of him, and placed his blade against his throat. On his knees, the man only came to Will's shoulder.

"I believe this is where you say, 'Yield' and drop your sword," Will said, never breaking eye contact with Thorne.

The man growled but did as Will said. He lost and Will had fought fairly.

"Yield," He spat. Will imagined the words tasted very bad in his mouth.

Will looked around. The initiates stared in disbelief. He ignored them and removed his blade from Thorne's neck. The great man stood, once again towering over everyone. He glowered at Will, clearly angry that he lost to a young man. But then his face shifted and he began to laugh. 

"You really are your father's son. I will gladly follow you into battle, my king," Wallace Thorne said, turning serious for a moment.

"And I will gladly have you. Now, I think we should let some of the other initiates practice. I will need them in battle too you know,"

"Haha! Yes, yes you will,"

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