Part 19: Lyssa

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The soft glow of the moon filtered into the dark dormitory. Flecks of dust peppered the air as a slight breeze blew back the curtains. A chill gripped the sleeping girl, ripping her from her pleasant dreams.

Lyssa's eyes burst open, her heart rate suddenly quick. Her mind was a sea of worries, her gentle dreams replaced by fears. It seemed she was the only one who felt the cold air, for everyone else remained at rest. Her heart was unsettled, she was reminded of the night the black nights came for her.

"Lyssa . . . Lyssa . . . " an ethereal voice whispered, seemingly from nowhere. A shiver went down Lyssa's spine as she felt something very cold grip at her shoulder. Her eyes darted to the door, and grew wide when she saw the strange blue glow emanating from beneath it. She wanted to cry out, scream for help but found she could not. Something within her stayed her voice.

Pushing back the covers, her body was gripped tighter by the chilly air, but ti was not enough to keep her down. She felt she needed to find out what was beyond the door. Her feet bristled at the cool touch of the stone tiled floor, the grey rock hidden beneath the dark murk.

Lyssa grasped the brass door handle and pulled the wooden barrier back, instantly being swathed in an ghostly blue light. As her eyes adjusted she slowly made out a wispy figure in the centre of the light, wrapped in heavy robes. It lifted an arm and beckoned to her, urging her to follow.

Against all her natural instincts Lyssa let the being lead her on, following it onto an empty balcony, overlooking the great forest that conealed Watcher's Keep. The trees all looked black and grey in the dim light from the moon and all was still, not even a breeze shifted the tall branches.

The glowing being floated into the centre of the balcony and Lyssa joined it, standing directly before the ghostly essence. It dimmed slightly, adding definition to the dark and heavy robes. The figure wore a hood, conceiling its face in false shadows. A soft, soothing voice emanated from the dark expanse where the face should have been.

"Come closer my child, let me see your face," the soft voice was strangely familiar, a sound from her childhood. 

"Father?" Lyssa asked anxiously. Why would his spirit be contacting her now, after all these years?

"It is I, love. The threshold has been weakened, I can finally speak with you again," the being replied, seeming to have read her thoughts.

Lyssa was overcome with emotion. She couldn't even speak.

"I know, I know. But this is not solely a visit for pleasure. I bring grave news, something I only trust with you,"

"Yes . . ."

"A demon is coming to the keep, but not one you would expect. He is black of hair and young, a few years younger than you. He carries a bladed staff and weilds horrendous power, of the sort you can only learn in a Black Keep," the word struck a pang in Lyssa's heart. She listened on, wholly engaged. 

"He is masquerading as an ally, a friend to the realm. Do not trust him. He is a shadowlord puppet and will turn you all over to their evil. This must be dealt with swiftly and cleanly. You must kill him, for me and for the realm. Take this, it will do the job," the ghost of Lyssa's father held out a glowing hand, in it a twisted black dagger, dark as the night. In the centre of the hilt a ruby rested, a deep red, the red of blood. Shadows seemed to dance on it's edge, enchantments oozing power. She hesitated, fearful.

"You must take it, only you can save the realm. It is your destiny my dear," the dagger remained in the spirit's hand, hilt towards her, awaiting her grasp.

Slowly, Lyssa outstretched her hand. Her pale fingers extended, reaching for the hilt, even though her mind was screaming NO!

Yes . . . Yes . . .

Her fingers lightly wrapped around the cold steel handle, fear permeating her soul. She instantly felt a surge of power as the ruby gemstone set in the hilt flashed brightly. The spirit before her was sucked inside of the gem, darkness swirling within. A sudden chill passed down her spine and her eyes glazed over.

She could not have witnessed her eyes turn a deep red, or heard the soft cackle that escaped her lips. She shook her head and her eyes returned to their original brown. The girl felt disoriented and confused. Gripping the dagger tightly, she returned to her room, the only thing on her mind was murdering the demon.

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