Chapter One

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Ross groaned as his phone rung, waking him from a dream about being a magical narwhale princess. He picked it up, checking the caller ID to see it was his friend, Sky, who hadn't talked to him in a bit. He answered, putting it to his ear, and as expected received yelling and an overly exited tone of voice.

"Hi Ross!! It's Sky!! What're you doing?!" He asked, hurting Ross' ears.

"I was sleeping before you so rudely interrupted me. It's Three AM and I have classes in the morning. What do you need." He asked, though it came out as more of a statement if he was honest.

"I have a friend here who doesn't have a place to stay! I was wondering if he could stay with you for a bit??" Ross limagined he'd be doing puppy dog eyes if he could see him.

"Adam, I live in a dormitory. They have very strict rules about people other than students going to the school staying in the room for more than a night. You know this." Ross grumbled, falling back against the pillow after giving up on sitting up.

"He says he's an old friend named "Max Mithzan". Can't you make an exception for a friendorino? He can stay at my house today, but I need you to pick him up before tonight."

"God dammit Sky, I don't have time for this. Fine, he can stay tonight. But you owe me. Wait, did you say Max?" He said, then asked as the statement registered in his mind. A slight cheering could be heard in the background, and Ross laughed at, once again, Skys' overly enthusiastic attitude.

"Yeah! Want me to put him on the phone??" Sky asked, somehow STILL excited, and Ross questioned if one of his house mates had given him caffeine or coffee or something, leaning towards the idea of it being Jerome, the coffee addicted nature lover, or Mitch, the extreme prankster and even more competitive guy who was a bit older than the prior, Ross assuming they had a thing going on and hadn't told anyone yet.

"Sure, I guess. Also, tell the Merome duo not to give you coffee anymore, please." He mumbled, rubbing his eyes and continuing the search for his glasses, finally putting them on once he found them.

"Will do!! Here's Maxxy!!" Adam nearly shouted, and Ross heard a distant yell to be quiet, Ty's voice unmistakable, and Sky yelling a 'Sorry!!' Before handing the phone to Max.

"Hi Ross. Max here. How've ya been?" Asked a deep-ish voice, a yawn following soon afterwards.

"Pretty decent. Is Adam keeping you up to watch Doctor Who and Supernatural or is he wanting to dye your hair purple?" He replied

"Both." Max groaned, receiving a laugh on both ends.

"But seriously, how've you been? It's been, what? Three years?" The college student asked, propping himself up on his arm and giving up on going back to sleep.

"Heh, yeah. Almost four. Well, I'm getting into a pretty good college, so that's nice. Still a single Pringle." He laughed slightly. "What've you been doing for all this time?"

"I got into college soon after I graduated. I've got one more year to go. Still not in a relationship either, though I did get with a guy named Jin for a bit. Still got KP." Ross said as he got up, deciding to set out the clothes he'd be wearing when he woke up again, also setting up a bit of homework he forgot to do on the desk beside him and finishing it up.

"I'm still wondering how you managed to graduate at sixteen!" Max said excitedly. Ross grinned and finished the homework, KP jumping up on the desk for him to pet.

"It's called paying attention." Ross smiled as he said it, receiving a groan from the ginger on the other end.

"But it's so boring! I don't care about the French and English war, or how to divide decimals!" He said, putting emphasis on how much he hated school.

"It was the French and Indian war, Max. And that's fifth grade level stuff." Ross laughed slightly.

"God dammit Ross." The other sighed, Ross imagining Max face palming at him.

"Hm. I'd rather not damn my ability to pay attention, so no thanks." He smiled at his sarcasm, proud of it as he put the homework in his backpack.

"I hate you and your fucking sarcasm, you know that, Ross?" Max mumbled.

"Yep. And I love you too." He said happily, the sarcasm rolling off his tongue like venom, but in a much more friendly and welcoming way.

"Goodnight, Ross." Max sighed, having given up thinking of a comeback for the nineteen year old.

"Goodnight, Maxxy. See you later." Ross said, regretting getting so into the conversation just a little bit as he was wide awake now.

The other end dropped into a dull ringing, and Ross hung up as well, turning in his position in the chair to see his roommate, Tim, aka Tim-Tim according to Adam as a nickname that stuck over time and now everyone called him by it, rubbing his eyes and looking over at Ross curiously.

"Ross? What're you doing up? It's.. " the twenty two year old had to turn and check the alarm clock on his bedside table. "Three forty five!" He exclaimed. "How long have you been up?"

"About an hour. Don't worry, I'll go to bed now. Go back to sleep." Ross said, Tim just sighing and nodding.

"You'd better." He mumbled before drifting off.

Ross sighed and got back into bed, the covers welcoming him with open arms yet giving him a bit of a cold shoulder at first. He took in a few deep breathes, putting some headphones on to help him sleep. A 21 Pilots song lulled him to sleep, slowly drifting to the pleasant land of dreams and thoughts. Let's just say he dreamt of a familiar AU.

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