FRIEND ZONE. Jimin or Suga? Pt.1

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I wrote this way back 2015 ISAC but I have been having difficulty finishing my stories. I have tons in my draft but I don't know how to end them but I feel like an update is long overdue so forgive me and here you go..

"Go SUGA! Go SUGA!" you cheered as you watched him at basketball practice with his teammates. You stood by the bleachers screaming your heart out.

"Who's Suga?" Jimin asked as he leaned against the railings beside you.

"There. The one with the blond hair."

"Who? Why do you call him that? Is that his name?"

"Shooting guard." you plainly answered. He gave you a questioning look.

"People call him that. SU-GA. For Shoo-ting Gua-rd." you explained. "GO!!!! SUGA!!!" you screamed as the practice game started.

"Do you know him?" He asked and you shook your head 'no'.

"Y/n, you do know this is not a real game right? They're just warming up." Jimin told you as he stopped watching the game and sat down.

"I know, but I can't help it Jimin. When he plays... I just.. lose it! *sigh*" you responded. Keeping your eyes on the shooting guard, Min Yoongi.

"I don't get it. I don't see anything special but girls always seem to see something in jocks and automatically fall for them." He said as he crossed his arms on his chest.

"Of course you won't get it. You're a guy!" you responded.

"AAAAAHHH!" You shouted when Yoongi made a basket 5 minutes into their practice game.

You got a bit tired and you sat down beside Jimin. You coughed a bit. Your throat now dry from all the screaming.

"Here." Jimin handed you your favorite beverage from that cafe you both liked.

"Waah. Thanks!" you said as you took it from his hands and took a sip.

Jimin is your best friend. You had been close since your first week in college. He was shy at first but it didn't take long before you got along really well. You got even closer when you discovered that you shared the same passion for dancing and had been inseparable ever since.

"You still going to the practice later with Hoseok hyung?" He asked.

"Yeah! Of course!" you answered. "..just let me finish watching. We still have time to spare right?"

Jimin scoffed but he agreed to let you finish watching the game he couldn't do anything because you were right about having time to spare and he doesn't have anything else to do.

The practice went on for an hour and when they were done, the players huddled to meet the coach on the benches.

"Oh? Practice ended early today?" you muttered to yourself as you turned away from the court and grabbed your things.

"Jimin!" you heard someone call for Jimin, not looking because you were busy fixing your things and grabbing your bag. You noticed Jimin's jacket on the floor and picked it up.

You went down from the bleachers and disposed of the plastic cups from your beverage earlier. You then looked for Jimin and saw him talking to one of the players. You walked towards him.

'Oh! He knows someone from the basketball tea—No way! He's talking to Yoongi! I didn't know they know each other? How did I not know? Oh my, what should I do? I can't turn back now, that'll be weird, I'm already walking towards him. Okay. Y/n calm down. You can do this. Oh shit! He just looked at me. Yoongi just looked at me! F**k! Okay, you're just here to get Jimin. Or not.. maybe I can talk to him.. or not.. okay.. here goes nothing..' Your mind went on overdrive as you made your way to get Jimin.

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