HUG ME pt. 2. Taehyung

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It's been one and a half months since you last saw Taehyung. You had been miserable since that night. Lonely and scared. You cant even tell anyone about anything. You chose to keep it to yourself. On the other hand, he seems to be holding up well.. posting selcas and updates here and there..

It seems like that's the only way I'll know what's going on in his life.

You were searching the internet for news about him. Oh! He had also been confirmed for a role in a drama. You smiled. Taehyung-ie's doing good.

Now that we're not together anymore he'll be able to concentrate on his career and his fans. I'm glad he's doing okay.. I just hope.. he doesn't know .. that the threats still kept coming.

You remembered this one time that

"They" sent you a package.You opened it and you still remember the foul smell that came from inside. You almost threw up at the sight of it. It was a rotten animal corpse that obviously had been dead for days already, and with it came a letter that said"If you ever contact Taehyung oppa again.. you'll end up like this."

That wasn't the only incident. Every week was a different threat. You would go home to a shattered window. A trashed porch. A vandalized wall.   Every.single.week.   But you did not fight back at all, because you were scared that Taehyung will get affected if you do. You endured it all hoping that one day they will get tired and this madness will come to an end.

You had to live like before but you had to endure more. For him.


It was a busy day at work and you had to stay late. It wasn't usually like this. You always made sure to go home before dark because it's much safer. But you had no choice because you were in charge of the company's event that lasted until after dinner.

The way home was terrifying. You kept looking behind you because you felt like someone was following you. You heard whispering and chuckling behind you. The first thing that popped into your head was "sasaeng". This person could be one of those people threatening you. You told yourself that you have to get home before they get to you.. so you ran as fast as you could.

"Hey! Not so fast!" You heard someone say. Which made you run even faster.You heard faster footsteps too. Someone was definitely following you.

You got to your porch. You searched your bag for your keys. Your hands were shaking but you managed to open the door and get yourself to safety before collapsing on the floor and catching your breath.

A few minutes later, there was a loud knocking on the door. You screamed as soon as you heard it.

"Aaaaaaahhhh!! Leave me alone!! Please!!" You screamed as you held your head between your hands, with closed eyes, tears running down your cheeks.

"Y/n! Y/n! Open the door!!" He said. It was a familiar voice. You opened your eyes, made your way to the door while grabbing an umbrella, you peeked through the window to make sure it was who you expected it to be but couldn't see his face. You opened the door. Umbrella on hand, ready to attack just in case it wasn't him.

"Y/n." He said grabbing your shoulders and looking at you as if seeing if you were hurt somewhere.

He hugged you and you felt safe under his embrace. For the first time in a long time you felt safe.

"Oppa.." You cried as you hugged him back. His hands rubbed your back as he assured you that you will be safe now that he's here.

One year later.. (time skip)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2016 ⏰

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