1~Just A Dream

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These moments are just perfect...

I'm currently with the most beautiful girl in the world, sitting on the green grass of the park, where you and I both met, (Y/N)... Where I laid my eyes upon you, you looked simple yet, you stood out from all what I've had in front of my eyes...

I remember it very well, everything around me got blurry, my focus was on you. Children were playing around the park, lovers are with each other lying on blankets that are neatly placed on the beautiful grass.. Families together, chatting, laughing...

But all of those were gone in my sight, you were the only one that can be seen by me...

Believe me when I say this, but you are truly the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. I am not saying this because you're my girlfriend... But because it is true, no other girl had ever had this effect on me. No other than you.

It may be crazy but the moment I saw you there, standing, wandering as if you were new to the place, which you were, I then believed in 'love at first sight'.

You looked like an angel.


I am totally not joking, but you look far more than beautiful (Y/N)..

And here you are, wrapped inside my arms, with a beautiful smile on your face. A smile that can light up the whole world. That have always lighted up my world.

I wonder how I can be the luckiest and most blessed guy in the universe......

Wait, let me correct myself.

You are my world...

You are my universe...

And just by being with you, makes me feel like I'm in heaven.

We're here, currently lying on the cool green grass, and above us, we can see the beautiful blue night sky. A dark shade of blue, can't you just agree that it's beautiful?

But it's not as beautiful as you though.

Nothing and no one is as far as beautiful as you, my dear.

We're counting the starts, which is impossible as we can see millions of stars in the sky.

And that's how much I love you. It's impossible to know how much I love you. My love for you cannot be rated.

My love for you is for eternity...

And that's true.

The silence around us is a peaceful one... We don't need to speak, because what all that matters is we're here.. Beside each other, lovingly inside each others arms.

But then you open your mouth, to say something...

Though as much as I love the peaceful silence and just being with you, knowing you're mine, and I am yours..

I would love to hear your angelic voice.

And here you are,about to speak, but what happens?

There is no word coming out of your mouth.


I don't even know. I now have a confused face, and at the same time, I have a worried one.

I'm letting you speak...

But then again, no word comes out.

I keep on asking what. What are you trying to tell me...

But no, every time your mouth opens, no sound, no sound at all...

And then I feel the ground shaking, I have a horrified expression on my face. What is going on?

I sit up, still holding you inside my arms, never wanting to let go. Because I'm scared to let you go... I don't want you to get hurt, I want you to be alright. I don't want you to have one single bruise nor a wound.

I had my arms around you, even tighter but then I loosened a bit to look at your facial expression.

It was blank.

Your eyes, it wasn't shining, nor was it dark.

You were expressionless.

But then I try to stand up, still, with the ground shaking. I was getting terrified. But I am here for you.

I still held your hand, while standing up.

You stood up as well.

But then...

I somehow couldn't feel the warmth of your hand again. I had my gaze on you, still.

But, you were slowly disappearing from my sight.

No, no, no, no...

This can't be happening.

How can this be happening.

I was about to blink, but then I stopped myself from blinking, afraid, that once I close my eyes, you'd be completely out of my sight.

I cupped your face with my right hand, my left hand, still holding on to yours...

But why was it like you're fading away?

Why is it like I can't feel your hand inside mine.

The ground is still shaking, but I held on to my spot, not letting you go.

I had a glance on my hand, holding yours...

I can see your hand, but it was like water. It was clear... I can see my hand through it. How?

I then look up at your face once more, still.. You had that blank expression.

What is happening?!?

As we stood in our place, I could feel the ground beneath us, shaking as hard as ever.

Then I hold on to you tighter, no, nothing, you still had that blank face.

I tried shaking you a bit, maybe you were dazing off..

But then it happened, it was fast, but it was all clearly happening.

You disappeared, no.. You turned into dust, as the cold wind blows and carries you to God knows where...

Tears were suddenly falling down my cheeks..

How was this happening.. This can't be happening... This can't be!

The ground beneath me is shaking harder, I could now see the cracks forming.

Until the ground cracked and made it into a half. This is where I fall, I tried grabbing onto something, but there was nothing.

Darkness consumed me.

How was all this happening, so swiftly...

I then sit up on my bed, sweat was prickling down my temple. Tears escaping from my eyes.

I breathed heavily, trying to gain back my normal breathing, but no. I just can't.

Knowing it was all a dream, you might say it's good that it was only just a dream... But no.

In my dream, you were mine, I was yours...

But in my life..

I was yours, but you aren't mine..

It was ALL just a dream...


Hey my beautiful readers! Did you like it?! :D
Tell me if you do! :D
This first one is (maybe) the only one that would have a (Y/N) in it.. Okay? :p

But anyways, I hoped you all like it!

Oh! And don't forget to add this to your reading list ;)


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