The Date

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I'm pacing back and forth, waiting for Josh to get here. I keep going back to the bathroom to make sure my hair and make up still look good. I'm so nervous. Where he is taking me? Why somewhere fancy? Why does he like me? He's famous. Why me out of all the girl in world?

My thoughts are cut short when I hear someone knocking on the door. Oh god he's here. I start walking down stairs to answer it but my mom beat me to it.
She yells," Alex someone is at the door for you!"

I yelled back,"Im coming."

I hurry to the door. My mom gasps when she sees me.


She says,"You look beautiful sweetie."

"Thanks mom."

She just smiles.

I look at Josh and say,"You ready to go?"

He says,"Yes. It was nice meeting you Ms.Jackson."

"It was nice meeting you too. Have fun and be home by 12 Alexis."

"Okay bye mom."

We walk out the door toward Josh's car.

He beats me to the passenger side of his mustang and opens the door for me.

I smile and say,"Thank you," then I get in.

He says,"You're welcome," then walks around and gets in the front seat.

He starts driving and we stay in silence for a few minutes until I say,"So where are we going?"

"It's a surprise."

I frown and say,"I hate surprises."

He laughs,"You'll like this one."

Neither one of us say anything until we get there.

I gasps and say,"How did you get in here? It's always booked up for months."

He smirks" I have my ways."

"Oh yeah. I forgot you're mister famous actor."

He laughs,"Come on Alex. We're going to be late."

We get out of the car and I follow him into the restaurant. Well I try to anyway. Men and women with cameras keep getting in our way and asking questions like "are you Josh's new girlfriend?" "How old are?" "Josh how is catching fire going?" "How's Jennifer?" Josh just keeps walking and doesn't say a word so I keep quite and follow him.

We finally make it in and the women working in there says,"Ah Mr.Hutcherson you're here. Please follow me." She takes us to a booth in the main back.

I sit down across from Josh and the women says,"Your waiter will be here in a few minutes."  Then she walks away.

Josh says," I'm so sorry about those people outside. They follow me everywhere."

"It's fine."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes I'm positive."

He laughs a little," Don't be surprised when you see our picture in the next magazine."

I shake my head,"I won't be. It's fine it really is."

He doesn't have time to answer because our waiter comes.

He says,"Hello I'm Sam and I'll be your waiter tonight. What can I get you guys to drink?"

I say,"Water." Josh says,"Ice tea."

Sam says,"Okay, here's your menus. Take your time and I'll be back with your drinks in a minute." Then walks away.

Josh says,"So did you have a good time last night?"

The Night Everything Changed(Josh Hutcherson Fan Fiction)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن