Plaine Ride

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There were three men in a plaine. They were all starving. One took a bite of a rock and said,"Ew it has dirt on it", and threw it off the plaine. The next took a bite of a brick and said,"Ow its too hard", and threw it off the plaine. Then the third one took a gernade, took a bite and said, "Goodness gracious, its falling apart", then threw it out (Keep this in mind).

Once they landed, they went to a neighbor hood, and sarted walking down the street. They saw an old lady crying and asked her why. She said "I was rocking -pout- in my chair, when a rock fell from the sky, and landed on my cat". Then the men said we will go to the funeral, and continued to walk. Then they came up to a jogger that was sobbing and asked him why he was crying. He said " I was walking my dog when all of a sudden a brick fell from the sky and landed on him." The men replied "oh so sad " and walked off. Then they came to a guy that was laughing his head off. And they asked him why he was laughing he said "I walked down to pick up the news bent over, farted and my whole house blew up". :P

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