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He's here, he's really here! He's safe. I'm safe. We're safe. There was nothing better than the feeling of Daddy's arms wrapped around me. It had only been a few hours, but after the ordeal I was just thankful to hear his voice, to see his face and appreciate his existence.

Daddy moved to wipe my face again when my tears and dry hiccups finally subsided. I smiled weakly at him, "I'm fine; Chase saved my life." Even though every fibre in my body both disliked and were scared of Chase, I couldn't bring myself to demerit what he did for me. I was alive, after all. Despite my negative feelings towards him, I would always be thankful for that and for this – the opportunity to reunite with my father.

Daddy nodded stiffly. "So he should, he's been your bodyguard for three years." Well, any niggling doubt I had left over Chase's story disappeared. That was the ultimate proof that Chase had been providing me with nothing but the truth, along with the building...the tree incident... and the break in.

"He's very...cold and distant." I muttered when Daddy let me go.

"He's an agent; that is what he must be." The formality in my father's words shocked me. He was approving of the way Chase had been acting around me, was he blind? Chase was a cold hearted man that didn't have a personality whatsoever. He was as ruthless looking and intimidating as his scar.

"He can't have always been like this," I protested meekly. "People don't become so unemotional overnight."

"I assure you, Skylar, Chase is the best protection you will receive in here."

"But he's not a real person. He doesn't have real emotions. He's either angry or moody and people aren't born that way: they are made that way!" I objected loudly.

"He could me the most immoral person in the world, Skylar. But as long as you are kept alive and safe he is doing all that I ask of him." I cringed as Daddy began using his 'professional voice' on me.

I threw my arms up in the air with exasperation. This whole situation shouldn't be how horrible Chase was; it was about my father and why I had been deceived for so long. Why had I been forced to lead an unfulfilling lie? If I had been exposed to this life sooner would I have became a success, like Chase? Just the thought of becoming the shell of a person that Chase is caused my stomach to churn and my body to shiver.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I murmured. Despite my voice being barely audible I knew Daddy had heard as his jaw flexed and his lips pursed. Hurt was lying just beneath the surface. My father had to be careful with his next few words.

"It was for your safety."

Wrong answer, "I didn't realise being attack in our own house was safe! Without Chase I wouldn't be here. You didn't even contact him to see if I was okay, I felt so alone and confused and you weren't there for me when I needed you!" The tears were threatening to make another appearance.

"I didn't mean for you to feel like that, Skylar. You need to understand that it was for your protection-"

"Lies are lies, they don't protect me they just hurt me!" I angrily interrupted Daddy.

He didn't say anything for a while. Instead, he stood rigid and didn't move. I was beginning to see where Chase got his statue-like trait from. Daddy waited a few moments before speaking, "Skylar..."

"Did you expect me to actually trust that stranger? To willingly come to this place?! Chase makes me feel so uncomfortable; I don't want to be near him, or you!"

Silence consumed us as Daddy's gaze fixed over my head. I slowly followed his eyes and instantly cringed. Hovering like a ghost at the dark doors was Chase. I'd be willing to bet my shoe collection (that I don't have any more) that he had just heard all of the bitter things I had said. Awkwardly, I averted my eyes from Chase when I realised he wasn't even sparing me a glance.

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