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If you could pick a pinnacle moment in your life what would it be? Is it the day your baby brother or sister was born? Or when you had your first crush? Was it when you lost your virginity? Maybe the day you got your university acceptance, better yet: your graduation? The list is endless. Sometimes, you will never truly know the value of a moment until it has become a memory. Just like how you can't fully appreciate something until it's gone.

Sometimes, people are too busy praying for something extraordinary to happen to them to realise how much of a gift normalcy is. 

Blissful and beautiful normalcy.  

It is a documented fact that things change in a year. A lot can happen and many things are different. However, we fail to see how much things can change in an instant. Whether it be your opinion, your emotions or you - your substance. 

And then there are the near misses, when we don't find out about the things that would fundamentally change how we function, how we feel and how we cope.

For instance you stand there and slur your criticism about young mums, too far from sobriety to realise you've just killed your unborn child with that last shot of tequila. 


You're too stressed at work, too absorbed in yourself to realise the broken man you just served bleach wasn't using it for cleaning purposes.


I want that. I want it all back. But now all I'm left with are the memories. Now, everything is different.

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