Chapter 26

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Edwards puts the pedal to the metal, driving like a mad man through the streets, speeding past pedestrian vehicles. The hospital is about a quick seven to ten minute drive, going from how one drives, but in Edwards case, he should be there in five minutes -assuming he doesn't crash. The siren wailing loudly and fading in seconds as the car zooms past. Moira already calling in for backup at the location, leaving nothing to chance, after eight long months of searching for clues and waiting, she can't let this slip through her fingers again.
For detective Edwards, the search and waiting game is far longer than Agent Moira Rennik's. He's been at this man's tail for over a year now, and as Captain Bradshaw said "He has nothing to show for it" but this time, all of that changes. He plans on finding his man, and in doing so, find the missing Heather Brooks and lock the guy behind bars for good -here's hoping for the death sentence.


"In brought daylight. In the moment of so much light, I get to do this again. It's been so long, I'm afraid I may have lost it. That damn Suzanne has taken so much of my time. There's so much patience a man can muster, you know. I mean, for the kind of thing I am, I deserve some kind of reward for showing so much restraint. Day by day, I go down just to pass the time and play with little blonde Suzanne in my basement, although the games we play can get a little rough sometimes. I still walk around limping thanks to that bitch! And driving hasn't gotten any easier, my leg aches with a quivering pain, shaking on end. But I must hand it to pretty little blonde Suzanne. I've done so much to her but still, her eyes still resonate with light. It fades at times but never completely dims. She could be plotting, she's a very wily one that Suzanne, completely outshines the rest. But this new one, she also seems promising. Driving her little pink purse she calls a car, following every rule of the road, another perfect Mrs. Goodie goodie. Don't they know that there's no such thing as a good person? Oh, whatever. I'll just rid this world of all the fakers, play naked wrestling with them for a bit and then after, down the rabbit hole they go." Bernard brims his dark emotions to himself. In his white pickup truck, casually driving behind a pink Lexus, following the car's trail as if he's pickup truck was magnetically pulled by it. The car takes the next right, an open road, down the street is the hospital which she is volunteering. A quick glance from either side for any onlookers, none to be found. A slight roll of the eyes to the rear view mirror, nothing. No cars driving behind him. This is it. He decides. He grabs the moment with both hands and clutches tight at it, bringing his darkness into the light for a single moment.
Bernard rams the back of her car with his pickup truck, not too rough, but just enough to bust her taillights and break his own pair of headlights in the process. She slows her car down, pulls over on the curb and exits her vehicle. Bernard slows down and park's right behind her, watching her as she steps out of her vehicle, furiously running her small fingers into her blonde hair. He can't help but let out a half smile as he watches her cursing and pointing to the damage on her car. Bernard wipes the smile off his face, opens his door and exit's the vehicle. He comes out teary-eyed, a quivering lower lip and shaking hands. "Oh my god. Are you okay? I'm so sorry." He says, shaking with false trauma.
"What the hell happened? What were you thinking?" She exclaims, disregarding his fake show of remorse.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I turned around for just a second and-"
"You turned around for just a second? Are you kidding me!? Why weren't you watching the road?"
"My wife. She's in labour, that's why I was in such a rush." He says to her, with tears streaming down his face.
"Your wife is in..? What? Where is she?" She asks with concern, "I don't see her in the truck?"
"She's in the back." He says. The woman goes around to the back of the truck to take a look. Bernard pulls out a syringe in his pocket, goes around the truck behind the woman. "I don't see anyone here." She states. Which he replies with a syringe settling into her neck, as she passes out he whispers ominously in her ear, "I lied," and settles her down. "There we go. No problems, no pain, just simply perfect. I couldn't risk you fighting me off like that other Suzanne." He says out loud and begins to lift her unconscious body. The sound of the police siren wailing alerts for oncoming and unwanted company. "No, no, no, no, no!" He shrieks in his high pitched squeak. In a time of desperation, Bernard leaves the unconscious body on the ground and takes off in his pickup truck.

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