Finding out her identity

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It was a cold night and I was wondering outside. The cold air didn't bother me,I had the light blue scarf that my father gave me for my birthday. I'm supposed to be patrolling the city but ladybug told me she couldn't today so I decided that I shouldn't either.
I saw a figure in the night sky
It was her
It was my lady
I see her looking around and before I could blink she turned into sweet shy Marinette. My eyes in shock.
I couldn't move
Finally realizing who my ladybug was I spoke
"Plagg it's marinette!shes my lady" I say with tears of joy in my eyes
"Yea whatever I have t-" he froze and his eyes widen
"T-tiki?" Plagg's voice it sounded different...
I ran inside and ran to my bedroom
I changed into my night clothes and fell asleep. Thinking of marinette
Only m a r i n e t t e
The next morning
I slept well for the first time
I got up from under the sheets and changed into my formal school clothes.
The limo was outside waiting for me so I grabbed my bad and ran outside.the first thing I saw when I ran outside was blonde hair?
"Hey baby!" Chloe squeals as she hugs me and kisses my cheek
I freeze in disgust
I slowly and softly push her away and enter my limo quickly.
As I arrive at school I get out of the limo and once again Chloe was there.
"Ugh Chloe what now" I was annoyed by her doing this. This day is supposed to be only about me and marinette.
Marinette walks by, but I guess Chloe noticed her before me because as soon as I was gonna say hi to marinette
Lip gloss smacked onto my lips not
Chloe kissed me
And marinette froze in horror and ran away into the bathroom.

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